How to get from Avenida Maria Joana Escudeiro Ramos, 295 to colégio agrícola by bus?
From Avenida Maria Joana Escudeiro Ramos, 295 to colégio agrícola by bus
To get from Avenida Maria Joana Escudeiro Ramos, 295 to colégio agrícola in Presidente Prudente, take the 104 JARDIM CICA VIA SAFIRA / TERMINAL bus from Avenida Maria Joana Escudeiro Ramos, 295 station to Jomane Concretagem (C/B) station. Next, take the 119 ANA JACINTA / CAMBUCI bus from Armazém Material Construção | Jomane station to Rua Abílio Nascimento, 283 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 39 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationAvenida Maria Joana Escudeiro Ramos, 295
- 2Wait for bus104 JARDIM CICA VIA SAFIRA / TERMINALCurtume Citapelli Via Safira
- 3Ride to bus stationJomane Concretagem (C/B)5 min
- 4Walk to bus stationArmazém Material Construção | Jomane120 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for bus119 ANA JACINTA / CAMBUCICambuci
- 6Ride to bus stationRua Abílio Nascimento, 28324 min
- 7Walk tocolégio agrícola240 m • 4 min
Alternative route from Avenida Maria Joana Escudeiro Ramos, 295 to colégio agrícola by bus via 119 ANA JACINTA / CAMBUCI
Take one direct bus from Avenida Maria Joana Escudeiro Ramos, 295 to colégio agrícola in Presidente Prudente: take the 119 ANA JACINTA / CAMBUCI bus from Armazém Material Construção | Jomane station to Rua Abílio Nascimento, 283 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 43 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationArmazém Material Construção | Jomane1.18 km • 16 min
- 2Wait for bus119 ANA JACINTA / CAMBUCICambuci
- 3Ride to bus stationRua Abílio Nascimento, 28324 min
- 4Walk tocolégio agrícola240 m • 4 min
Public transit directions from Avenida Maria Joana Escudeiro Ramos, 295 to colégio agrícola
Public transit stations close to Avenida Maria Joana Escudeiro Ramos, 295
Avenida Maria Joana Escudeiro Ramos, 295 is located at Avenida Maria Joana Escudeiro Ramos, 295, Presidente Prudente and the nearest public transit station is Rua Josefina Angèla De Oliveira, 153.
Bus stations close to Avenida Maria Joana Escudeiro Ramos, 295:
- Rua Josefina Angèla De Oliveira, 153
- Avenida Maria Joana Escudeiro Ramos, 342
- Avenida Maria J. E. Ramos, 158
Public transit stations close to colégio agrícola, Presidente Prudente
colégio agrícola is located at colégio agrícola, Presidente Prudente and the nearest public transit station is Rua Abílio Nascimento, 430.
Bus stations close to colégio agrícola:
- Rua Abílio Nascimento, 430
- Rua Antônio José Giraldes, 69
- Rua Antônio José Giraldes, 52
Related Routes
- Avenida Maria Joana Escudeiro Ramos, 342 to colégio agrícola
- Rua João Fregonesi, 82 to colégio agrícola
- Rodovia Comendador Alberto Bonfiglioli, 720 to colégio agrícola
- Rua Bom Jesus, 468 to colégio agrícola
- Avenida Doutor Ibraim Nobre, 1225 to colégio agrícola
- Liane Bolacha to colégio agrícola
- Hospital Bezerra De Menezes to colégio agrícola
- Rua João Petri, 43 to colégio agrícola
- Acesso Pará SP 425, 1893 to colégio agrícola
- Ubs Belo Horizonte (C/B) to colégio agrícola
- João Domingos, 2 to colégio agrícola
- Chácara Arilena to colégio agrícola
- Avenida Ana Jacinta, 2316 to colégio agrícola
- Avenida Maria Joana Escudeiro Ramos, 295 to UNIESP
- Avenida Maria Joana Escudeiro Ramos, 342 to UNIESP
- Avenida Maria Joana Escudeiro Ramos, 342 to colégio agrícola
- Rua Dezoito, 37 to UNIESP
- Rua João Pedro Pereira, 95 to UNIESP
- Rua João Pedro Pereira, 270 to UNIESP
- Estrada Raimundo Maiolini, 274 to UNIESP
Alternative route from Avenida Maria Joana Escudeiro Ramos, 295 to colégio agrícola by bus via 119 ANA JACINTA / CAMBUCI
Take one direct bus from Avenida Maria Joana Escudeiro Ramos, 295 to colégio agrícola in Presidente Prudente: take the 119 ANA JACINTA / CAMBUCI bus from Armazém Material Construção | Jomane station to Rua Abílio Nascimento, 283 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 43 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationArmazém Material Construção | Jomane1.18 km • 16 min
- 2Wait for bus119 ANA JACINTA / CAMBUCICambuci
- 3Ride to bus stationRua Abílio Nascimento, 28324 min
- 4Walk tocolégio agrícola240 m • 4 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Avenida Maria Joana Escudeiro Ramos, 295 to colégio agrícola?
The fastest way takes 39 minutes, using Bus line 104 JARDIM CICA VIA SAFIRA / TERMINAL, Bus line 119 ANA JACINTA / CAMBUCI.
What is the alternative route to get from Avenida Maria Joana Escudeiro Ramos, 295 to colégio agrícola?
The alternative route takes 43 minutes, using Bus line 119 ANA JACINTA / CAMBUCI.
Is there a direct bus between Avenida Maria Joana Escudeiro Ramos, 295 and colégio agrícola in Presidente Prudente?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 39 min.
Which bus line goes from Avenida Maria Joana Escudeiro Ramos, 295 to colégio agrícola in Presidente Prudente?
The 104 JARDIM CICA VIA SAFIRA / TERMINAL bus line goes from Curtume Citapelli Via Safira station near Avenida Maria Joana Escudeiro Ramos, 295 to Jomane Concretagem (C/B) station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Jomane Concretagem (C/B) station near colégio agrícola in Presidente Prudente
How long does it take to travel from Avenida Maria Joana Escudeiro Ramos, 295 to colégio agrícola in Presidente Prudente by bus?
The total travel time between Avenida Maria Joana Escudeiro Ramos, 295 and colégio agrícola in Presidente Prudente by bus is about 39 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Avenida Maria Joana Escudeiro Ramos, 295 to get to colégio agrícola in Presidente Prudente?
Get on the 104 JARDIM CICA VIA SAFIRA / TERMINAL bus from the Curtume Citapelli Via Safira stop near Avenida Maria Joana Escudeiro Ramos, 295 in Presidente Prudente.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Avenida Maria Joana Escudeiro Ramos, 295 and colégio agrícola in Presidente Prudente?
Get off the bus at the Jomane Concretagem (C/B) stop, which is closest to colégio agrícola in Presidente Prudente.