How to get from Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) to Больница №4 by metro?
From Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) to Больница №4 by metro
Take one direct metro from Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) to Больница №4 in Даниловский: take the 9 metro from Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) station to Тульская (Tulskaya) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 23 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from metro stationСевастопольская (Sevastopolskaya)
- 2Wait for metro9Алтуфьево (Altufyevo)
- 3Ride to metro stationТульская (Tulskaya)9 min
- 4Walk toБольница №4890 m • 12 min
From Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) to Больница №4 by light rail
Take one direct light rail from Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) to Больница №4 in Даниловский: take the 3 light rail from Метро "Каховская" station to Свято-Данилов монастырь station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 49 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to light rail stationМетро "Каховская"330 m • 5 min
- 2Wait for light rail3Б. Харитоньевский пер.
- 3Ride to light rail stationСвято-Данилов монастырь39 min
- 4Walk toБольница №4360 m • 5 min
Public transit directions from Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) to Больница №4
Public transit stations close to Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya)
Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) is located at Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya), Даниловский and the nearest public transit station is Каховская (Kakhovskaya).
Metro stations close to Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya):
- Каховская (Kakhovskaya)
Bus stations close to Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya):
- Метро "Севастопольская"
- Метро "Каховская" (вост. вход.)
- Метро "Каховская" (вост. вход)
Public transit stations close to Больница №4, Даниловский
Больница №4 is located at Больница №4, Даниловский and the nearest public transit station is Ул. Шухова.
Bus stations close to Больница №4:
- Ул. Шухова
- Даниловская пл.
- Детская п-ка
Related Routes
- Чкаловская (Chkalovskaya) to Больница №4
- Москва Курская (Kursky Station) to Больница №4
- Тургеневская (Turgenevskaya) to Больница №4
- Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) to Люберецкий Район
- Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) to Донской
- Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) to Раменский Район
- Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) to Арбат
- Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) to Таганский
- Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) to Тверской
- Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) to Очаково-Матвеевское
- Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) to Перово
- Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) to Царицыно
- Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) to Подольск
- Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) to Щёлково
- Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) to Кубинка
- Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) to Покровское-Стрешнево
- Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) to Щербинка
- Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) to Видное
- Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) to Внуково
- Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) to Внуковское
From Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) to Больница №4 by light rail
Take one direct light rail from Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) to Больница №4 in Даниловский: take the 3 light rail from Метро "Каховская" station to Свято-Данилов монастырь station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 49 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to light rail stationМетро "Каховская"330 m • 5 min
- 2Wait for light rail3Б. Харитоньевский пер.
- 3Ride to light rail stationСвято-Данилов монастырь39 min
- 4Walk toБольница №4360 m • 5 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) to Больница №4?
The fastest way takes 23 minutes, using Bus line 9.
What is the alternative route to get from Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) to Больница №4?
The alternative route takes 49 minutes, using Bus line 3.
Is there a direct metro between Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) and Больница №4?
Yes, there’s a direct metro going from Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) in Зюзино to Больница №4 in Даниловский in 23 min.
Which metro line goes from Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) to Больница №4?
The 9 metro line goes from Алтуфьево (Altufyevo) station near Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) in Зюзино to Тульская (Tulskaya) station near Больница №4 in Даниловский.
How long does it take to travel from Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) to Больница №4 by metro?
The total travel time between Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) in Зюзино and Больница №4 in Даниловский by metro is about 23 min.
Where do I get on the metro near Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) to get to Больница №4?
Get on the 9 metro from the Алтуфьево (Altufyevo) station near Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) in Зюзино.
Where do I get off the metro when travelling between Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) and Больница №4?
Get off the metro at the Тульская (Tulskaya) station, which is closest to Больница №4 in Даниловский.
When is the first train from Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) to Больница №4?
The first train from Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) in Зюзино to Больница №4 in Даниловский is Павелецкое направление. It leaves the Коломенское (Kolomenskoe) station at 3:24 AM.
When is the first metro from Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) to Больница №4?
The first metro from Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) in Зюзино to Больница №4 in Даниловский is Серпуховско-Тимирязевская (Serpukhovsko-Timiryazevskaya). It leaves the Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) station at 3:02 AM.
When is the last bus from Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) to Больница №4?
The last bus from Севастопольская (Sevastopolskaya) in Зюзино to Больница №4 in Даниловский is the Остафьевская ул. - Метро "Китай-город" line. It leaves the Метро "Каховская" stop at 6:06 AM.