How to get from Третьяковская (Tretyakovskaya) to Реутов by metro?
From Третьяковская (Tretyakovskaya) to Реутов by metro
Take one direct metro from Третьяковская (Tretyakovskaya) to Реутов in Moscow: take the 8 metro from Третьяковская (Tretyakovskaya) station to Новокосино (Novokosino) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 31 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from metro stationТретьяковская (Tretyakovskaya)
- 2Wait for metro8Новокосино (Novokosino)
- 3Ride to metro stationНовокосино (Novokosino)20 min
- 4Walk toРеутов580 m • 8 min
From Третьяковская (Tretyakovskaya) to Реутов by metro and train
To get from Третьяковская (Tretyakovskaya) to Реутов in Moscow, you’ll need to take 2 metro lines and one train line: take the 6 metro from Третьяковская (Tretyakovskaya) station to Тургеневская (Turgenevskaya) station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 10 metro and finally take the ГОРЬКОВСКОЕ НАПРАВЛЕНИЕ train from Серп И Молот station to Реутово station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 56 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from metro stationТретьяковская (Tretyakovskaya)
- 2Wait for metro6Медведково (Medvedkovo)
- 3Ride to metro stationТургеневская (Turgenevskaya)5 min
- 4Walk to metro stationСретенский Бульвар (Sretinsky Bulvar)
- 5Wait for metro10Зябликово (Zyablikovo)
- 6Ride to metro stationРимская (Rimskaya)5 min
- 7Walk to train stationСерп И Молот190 m • 3 min
- 8Wait for trainГОРЬКОВСКОЕ НАПРАВЛЕНИЕЖелезнодорожная
- 9Ride to train stationРеутово18 min
- 10Walk toРеутов1.1 km • 15 min
Public transit directions from Третьяковская (Tretyakovskaya) to Реутов
Public transit stations close to Третьяковская (Tretyakovskaya)
Третьяковская (Tretyakovskaya) is located at Третьяковская (Tretyakovskaya), Moscow and the nearest public transit station is Метро "Новокузнецкая".
Bus stations close to Третьяковская (Tretyakovskaya):
- Метро "Новокузнецкая"
- Метро "Третьяковская"
- 3-й Кадашёвский переулок
Public transit stations close to Реутов, Moscow
Реутов is located at Реутов, Moscow and the nearest public transit station is Южная.
Metro stations close to Реутов:
- Новокосино (Novokosino)
Bus stations close to Реутов:
- Суздальская ул., 20
- Суздальская ул., 18
- Метро Новокосино
Shuttle stations close to Реутов:
- Южная
- Новокосинская д.17
- Метро Новокосино
Related Routes
- Лыткарино to Реутов
- Хамовники to Реутов
- Донской to Реутов
- Раменский Район to Реутов
- Замоскворечье to Реутов
- Арбат to Реутов
- Таганский to Реутов
- Тверской to Реутов
- Очаково-Матвеевское to Реутов
- Первомайское to Реутов
- Перово to Реутов
- Царицыно to Реутов
- Братеево to Реутов
- Краснознаменск to Реутов
- Печатники to Реутов
- Поварово to Реутов
- Подольск to Реутов
- Часцовское to Реутов
- Черёмушки to Реутов
- Черкизово to Реутов
From Третьяковская (Tretyakovskaya) to Реутов by metro and train
To get from Третьяковская (Tretyakovskaya) to Реутов in Moscow, you’ll need to take 2 metro lines and one train line: take the 6 metro from Третьяковская (Tretyakovskaya) station to Тургеневская (Turgenevskaya) station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 10 metro and finally take the ГОРЬКОВСКОЕ НАПРАВЛЕНИЕ train from Серп И Молот station to Реутово station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 56 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from metro stationТретьяковская (Tretyakovskaya)
- 2Wait for metro6Медведково (Medvedkovo)
- 3Ride to metro stationТургеневская (Turgenevskaya)5 min
- 4Walk to metro stationСретенский Бульвар (Sretinsky Bulvar)
- 5Wait for metro10Зябликово (Zyablikovo)
- 6Ride to metro stationРимская (Rimskaya)5 min
- 7Walk to train stationСерп И Молот190 m • 3 min
- 8Wait for trainГОРЬКОВСКОЕ НАПРАВЛЕНИЕЖелезнодорожная
- 9Ride to train stationРеутово18 min
- 10Walk toРеутов1.1 km • 15 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Третьяковская (Tretyakovskaya) to Реутов?
The fastest way takes 31 minutes, using Bus line 8.
What is the alternative route to get from Третьяковская (Tretyakovskaya) to Реутов?
The alternative route takes 56 minutes, using Bus line 6, Bus line 10, Bus line ГОРЬКОВСКОЕ НАПРАВЛЕНИЕ.
Is there a direct metro between Третьяковская (Tretyakovskaya) and Реутов?
Yes, there’s a direct metro going from Третьяковская (Tretyakovskaya) in Замоскворечье to Реутов in Moscow in 31 min.
Which metro line goes from Третьяковская (Tretyakovskaya) to Реутов?
The 8 metro line goes from Новокосино (Novokosino) station near Третьяковская (Tretyakovskaya) in Замоскворечье to Новокосино (Novokosino) station near Реутов in Moscow.
How long does it take to travel from Третьяковская (Tretyakovskaya) to Реутов by metro?
The total travel time between Третьяковская (Tretyakovskaya) in Замоскворечье and Реутов in Moscow by metro is about 31 min.
Where do I get on the metro near Третьяковская (Tretyakovskaya) to get to Реутов?
Get on the 8 metro from the Новокосино (Novokosino) station near Третьяковская (Tretyakovskaya) in Замоскворечье.
Where do I get off the metro when travelling between Третьяковская (Tretyakovskaya) and Реутов?
Get off the metro at the Новокосино (Novokosino) station, which is closest to Реутов in Moscow.
When is the last metro from Третьяковская (Tretyakovskaya) to Реутов?
The last metro from Третьяковская (Tretyakovskaya) in Замоскворечье to Реутов in Moscow is the Калининская (Kalininskaya) line. It leaves the Третьяковская (Tretyakovskaya) station at 4:03 AM.