How to get from 半淞园路街道 to 小昆山 by bus and metro?
From 半淞园路街道 to 小昆山 by bus and metro
To get from 半淞园路街道 to 小昆山 in Shanghai, take the 9号线 LINE 9 metro from 陆家浜路 Lujiabang Road station to 松江新城 Songjiang Xincheng station. Next, take the 松江16路 bus from 嘉松南路轻轨站 station to 正泰电气公司 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 38 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from metro station半淞园路街道
- 2Wait for metro9号线 LINE 9曹路→松江南站 Caolu→Songjiang South Railway Station
- 3Ride to metro station松江新城 Songjiang Xincheng57 min
- 4Walk to bus station嘉松南路轻轨站100 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for bus松江16路昆港公路
- 6Ride to bus station正泰电气公司27 min
- 7Walk to小昆山150 m • 2 min
Alternative route from 半淞园路街道 to 小昆山 by bus and metro via 9号线 LINE 9 and 松江14路
To get from 半淞园路街道 to 小昆山 in Shanghai, take the 9号线 LINE 9 metro from 陆家浜路 Lujiabang Road station to 松江新城 Songjiang Xincheng station. Next, take the 松江14路 bus from 嘉松南路轻轨站 station to 正泰电气公司 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 55 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from metro station半淞园路街道
- 2Wait for metro9号线 LINE 9曹路→松江南站 Caolu→Songjiang South Railway Station
- 3Ride to metro station松江新城 Songjiang Xincheng57 min
- 4Walk to bus station嘉松南路轻轨站100 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for bus松江14路正泰电气公司
- 6Ride to bus station正泰电气公司49 min
- 7Walk to小昆山150 m • 2 min
Public transit directions from 半淞园路街道 to 小昆山
Public transit stations close to 半淞园路街道
半淞园路街道 is located at 半淞园路街道, Shanghai and the nearest public transit station is 西藏南路陆家浜路.
Metro stations close to 半淞园路街道:
- 马当路 Madang Road
- 西藏南路 South Xizang Road
- 老西门 Laoximen
Bus stations close to 半淞园路街道:
- 西藏南路陆家浜路
- 斜桥
- 陆家浜路大兴街
Public transit stations close to 小昆山, Shanghai
小昆山 is located at 小昆山, Shanghai and the nearest public transit station is 西部工业园区公交站.
Bus stations close to 小昆山:
- 西部工业园区公交站
- 正泰生活区
- 鼎源路思贤路
Cable Car stations close to 小昆山:
- 思贤路
- 文诚路
- 泰晤士小镇西
Alternative route from 半淞园路街道 to 小昆山 by bus and metro via 9号线 LINE 9 and 松江14路
To get from 半淞园路街道 to 小昆山 in Shanghai, take the 9号线 LINE 9 metro from 陆家浜路 Lujiabang Road station to 松江新城 Songjiang Xincheng station. Next, take the 松江14路 bus from 嘉松南路轻轨站 station to 正泰电气公司 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 55 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from metro station半淞园路街道
- 2Wait for metro9号线 LINE 9曹路→松江南站 Caolu→Songjiang South Railway Station
- 3Ride to metro station松江新城 Songjiang Xincheng57 min
- 4Walk to bus station嘉松南路轻轨站100 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for bus松江14路正泰电气公司
- 6Ride to bus station正泰电气公司49 min
- 7Walk to小昆山150 m • 2 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from 半淞园路街道 to 小昆山?
The fastest way takes 98 minutes, using Bus line 9号线 LINE 9, Bus line 松江16路.
What is the alternative route to get from 半淞园路街道 to 小昆山?
The alternative route takes 115 minutes, using Bus line 9号线 LINE 9, Bus line 松江14路.
Is there a direct metro between 半淞园路街道 and 小昆山 in Shanghai?
No, you’ll have to take one metro line and one bus line in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 38 min.
Which metro line goes from 半淞园路街道 to 小昆山 in Shanghai?
The 9号线 LINE 9 metro line goes from 曹路→松江南站 Caolu→Songjiang South Railway Station station near 半淞园路街道 to 松江新城 Songjiang Xincheng station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till 松江新城 Songjiang Xincheng station near 小昆山 in Shanghai
How long does it take to travel from 半淞园路街道 to 小昆山 in Shanghai by metro and bus?
The total travel time between 半淞园路街道 and 小昆山 in Shanghai by metro and bus is about 1 hr 38 min.
Where do I get on the metro near 半淞园路街道 to get to 小昆山 in Shanghai?
Get on the 9号线 LINE 9 metro from the 曹路→松江南站 Caolu→Songjiang South Railway Station station near 半淞园路街道 in Shanghai.
Where do I get off the metro when travelling between 半淞园路街道 and 小昆山 in Shanghai?
Get off the metro at the 松江新城 Songjiang Xincheng stop, which is closest to 小昆山 in Shanghai.