How to get from 龍門國中(和平) Longmen Jr. High School(Heping) to 東南科技大學 by bus?
From 龍門國中(和平) Longmen Jr. High School(Heping) to 東南科技大學 by bus
To get from 龍門國中(和平) Longmen Jr. High School(Heping) to 東南科技大學 in 深坑區, take the 284 bus from 龍門國中(和平) Longmen Jr. High School (Heping) station to 捷運公館站 Mrt Gongguan Sta. station. Next, take the 660 bus from 捷運公館站 Mrt Gongguan Sta. station to 東南科技大學 Tungnan U. station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 52 min. The ride fare is NT$30.00.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus station龍門國中(和平) Longmen Jr. High School (Heping)ID 394280 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for bus284景興國中 Jingxing Junior High School
- 3Ride to bus station捷運公館站 Mrt Gongguan Sta.ID 19916 min
- 4Wait for bus660石碇高中 Shihding High School
- 5Ride to bus station東南科技大學 Tungnan U.ID 282635 min
- 6Walk to東南科技大學北深路三段630 m • 8 min
Alternative route from 龍門國中(和平) Longmen Jr. High School(Heping) to 東南科技大學 by bus via 284 and 912
To get from 龍門國中(和平) Longmen Jr. High School(Heping) to 東南科技大學 in 深坑區, take the 284 bus from 龍門國中(和平) Longmen Jr. High School(Heping) station to 興雅國中 Xingya Junior High School station. Next, take the 912 bus from 興雅國中 Xingya Junior High School station to 東南科技大學 Tungnan U. station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 50 min. The ride fare is NT$30.00.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus station龍門國中(和平) Longmen Jr. High School(Heping)
- 2Wait for bus284福德二路 Fude 2nd. Rd.
- 3Ride to bus station興雅國中 Xingya Junior High SchoolID 217813 min
- 4Walk to bus station興雅國中 Xingya Junior High SchoolID 217970 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for bus912石碇高中 Shihding High School
- 6Ride to bus station東南科技大學 Tungnan U.ID 282615 min
- 7Walk to東南科技大學北深路三段630 m • 8 min
Public transit directions from 龍門國中(和平) Longmen Jr. High School(Heping) to 東南科技大學
Public transit stations close to 龍門國中(和平) Longmen Jr. High School(Heping)
龍門國中(和平) Longmen Jr. High School(Heping) is located at 龍門國中(和平) Longmen Jr. High School(Heping), 深坑區 and the nearest public transit station is 龍門國中(和平) Longmen Jr. High School (Heping).
Metro stations close to 龍門國中(和平) Longmen Jr. High School(Heping):
- 科技大樓 Technology Building
- 大安森林公園 Daan Park
- 台電大樓 Taipower Building
Bus stations close to 龍門國中(和平) Longmen Jr. High School(Heping):
- 龍門國中(和平) Longmen Jr. High School (Heping)
- 和平建國路口 Heping And Jianguo Intersection
- 大安森林公園 Daan Park
Public transit stations close to 東南科技大學, 深坑區
東南科技大學 is located at 北深路三段, 深坑區 and the nearest public transit station is 東南科技大學 Tungnan University.
Metro stations close to 東南科技大學:
- 木柵 Muzha
- 動物園 Taipei Zoo
Bus stations close to 東南科技大學:
- 東南科技大學 Tungnan University
- 東南科技大學 Tungnan U.
- 萬順寮 Wanshunliao
Gondola stations close to 東南科技大學:
- 指南宮站 Zhinan Temple Station
- 動物園站 Taipei Zoo Station
- 動物園南站 Taipei Zoo South Station
Related Routes
- 鶯歌國中游泳池 Yingge Junior High School Swimming Pool to 東南科技大學
- 天文科學館 Astronomical Museum to 東南科技大學
- 臺北車站(忠孝) Taipei Main Sta. (Zhongxiao) to 東南科技大學
- 晶華飯店 Grand Formosa Regent Taipei to 東南科技大學
- 三民國小 Sanmin Elementary School to 東南科技大學
- 興善宮 Xingshan Temple to 東南科技大學
- 鳳鳴國中(永和街口) Fengming Junior High School(Yonghe St. Intersection) to 東南科技大學
- 臺視 Ttv Enterprise Co. to 東南科技大學
- 蘆洲總站 Luzhou Bus Terminal to 東南科技大學
- 中正光榮路口 Zhongzheng & Guangrong Intersection to 東南科技大學
- 動物園 Taipei Zoo to 東南科技大學
- 中山 Zhongshan to 東南科技大學
- 松山 Songshan to 東南科技大學
- 台北小巨蛋 Taipei Arena to 東南科技大學
- 松江南京 Songjiang Nanjing to 東南科技大學
- 台電大樓 Taipower Building to 東南科技大學
- 公館 Gongguan to 東南科技大學
- 永安市場 Yongan Market to 東南科技大學
- 新莊 Xinzhuang to 東南科技大學
- 丹鳳 Danfeng to 東南科技大學
Alternative route from 龍門國中(和平) Longmen Jr. High School(Heping) to 東南科技大學 by bus via 284 and 912
To get from 龍門國中(和平) Longmen Jr. High School(Heping) to 東南科技大學 in 深坑區, take the 284 bus from 龍門國中(和平) Longmen Jr. High School(Heping) station to 興雅國中 Xingya Junior High School station. Next, take the 912 bus from 興雅國中 Xingya Junior High School station to 東南科技大學 Tungnan U. station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 50 min. The ride fare is NT$30.00.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus station龍門國中(和平) Longmen Jr. High School(Heping)
- 2Wait for bus284福德二路 Fude 2nd. Rd.
- 3Ride to bus station興雅國中 Xingya Junior High SchoolID 217813 min
- 4Walk to bus station興雅國中 Xingya Junior High SchoolID 217970 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for bus912石碇高中 Shihding High School
- 6Ride to bus station東南科技大學 Tungnan U.ID 282615 min
- 7Walk to東南科技大學北深路三段630 m • 8 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from 龍門國中(和平) Longmen Jr. High School(Heping) to 東南科技大學?
The fastest way takes 52 minutes, using Bus line 284, Bus line 660.
What is the alternative route to get from 龍門國中(和平) Longmen Jr. High School(Heping) to 東南科技大學?
The alternative route takes 50 minutes, using Bus line 284, Bus line 912.
Is there a direct bus between 龍門國中(和平) Longmen Jr. High School(Heping) and 東南科技大學?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 52 min.
Which bus line goes from 龍門國中(和平) Longmen Jr. High School(Heping) to 東南科技大學?
The 284 bus line goes from 龍門國中(和平) Longmen Jr. High School (Heping) station near 龍門國中(和平) Longmen Jr. High School(Heping) in 大安區 to 景興國中 Jingxing Junior High School station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till 景興國中 Jingxing Junior High School station near 東南科技大學 in 深坑區.
How long does it take to travel from 龍門國中(和平) Longmen Jr. High School(Heping) to 東南科技大學 by bus?
The total travel time between 龍門國中(和平) Longmen Jr. High School(Heping) in 大安區 and 東南科技大學 in 深坑區 by bus is about 52 min.
Where do I get on the bus near 龍門國中(和平) Longmen Jr. High School(Heping) to get to 東南科技大學?
Get on the 284 bus from the 龍門國中(和平) Longmen Jr. High School (Heping) stop near 龍門國中(和平) Longmen Jr. High School(Heping) in 大安區.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between 龍門國中(和平) Longmen Jr. High School(Heping) and 東南科技大學?
Get off the bus at the 景興國中 Jingxing Junior High School stop, which is closest to 東南科技大學 in 深坑區.
When is the first metro from 龍門國中(和平) Longmen Jr. High School(Heping) to 東南科技大學?
The first metro from 龍門國中(和平) Longmen Jr. High School(Heping) in 大安區 to 東南科技大學 in 深坑區 is Wenhu Line. It leaves the 科技大樓 Technology Building station at 8:19 AM.
How much is the bus fare from 龍門國中(和平) Longmen Jr. High School(Heping) to 東南科技大學?
The ride from 龍門國中(和平) Longmen Jr. High School(Heping) to 東南科技大學 costs NT$30.00.