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How to get to Ga Adangbe people in Accra by Bus?

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Directions to Ga Adangbe people (Accra) with public transportation

The following transit lines have routes that pass near Ga Adangbe people

  • BusBus:

How to get to Ga Adangbe people by Bus?

Click on the Bus route to see step by step directions with maps, line arrival times and updated time schedules.

Bus stations near Ga Adangbe people in Accra

  • Abotsi Anya,13 min walk,

Bus lines to Ga Adangbe people in Accra

  • 118,Teshie-Nungua,
  • 424,Odorna,
  • 425,Circle Odorna,
  • 469,Nungua Authority,
Questions & Answers
  • What are the closest stations to Ga Adangbe people?

    The closest stations to Ga Adangbe people are:

    • Abotsi Anya is 952 meters away, 13 min walk.
  • Which Bus lines stop near Ga Adangbe people?

    These Bus lines stop near Ga Adangbe people: 424

  • What’s the nearest bus stop to Ga Adangbe people in Accra?

    The nearest bus stop to Ga Adangbe people in Accra is Abotsi Anya. It’s a 13 min walk away.

  • What time is the first Bus to Ga Adangbe people in Accra?

    The 424 is the first Bus that goes to Ga Adangbe people in Accra. It stops nearby at 5:05 AM.

  • What time is the last Bus to Ga Adangbe people in Accra?

    The 425 is the last Bus that goes to Ga Adangbe people in Accra. It stops nearby at 11:10 PM.

See Ga Adangbe people, Accra, on the map

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Public Transit to Ga Adangbe people in Accra

Wondering how to get to Ga Adangbe people in Accra, Ghana? Moovit helps you find the best way to get to Ga Adangbe people with step-by-step directions from the nearest public transit station.

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Looking for the nearest stop or station to Ga Adangbe people? Check out this list of stops closest to your destination: Abotsi Anya.


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Location: Accra

Ga Adangbe people, Accra
Ga Adangbe people, AccraThe Ga-Dangbe, Gã-Daŋbɛ, Ga-Dangme, or GaDangme are an ethnic group in Ghana, Togo and Benin. The Ga and Dangbe people are grouped respectively as part of the Ga–Dangme ethnolinguistic group. The Ga-Dangmes are one ethnic group that lives primarily in the Greater Accra of Ghana. Ethnic Ga family names (surnames) include Nikoi, Amon, Kotey, Kotie, Adei, Kutorkor, Oblitey, Lartey, Nortey, Aryee, Poku and Lamptey. The following are names derived from the ethnic Dangme and common among the Ningos Nartey, Tetteh, Kwei, Kweinor, Kwetey, Narteh, Narh, Dugbatey, Teye, Martey, Addo, Siaw, Saki, Amanor, Djangba. These are aligned to the ethnic Ga as well: Lomotey, Tetteh, Ankrah, Tetteyfio, Laryea, Ayitey, Okai, Bortey, Quaye, Quaynor, Ashong, Kotei, Sowah, Odoi, Ablor, Adjetey, Dodoo, Darku and Quartey. (Dawhenya royal family name: Darpoh) Under their great leader King Ayi Kushi (Cush) (1483-1519) they were led from the east in several states before reaching their destination in Accra. Oral traditions state the Ga came from the region of Lake Chad and reached their destination in the 16th century. It is also believed that by the 17th century they traveled down the River Niger and crossed the Volta to reach present day Ghana. This leader is the Moses of the Ga-Dangme people, with his seven puritan laws he gave them and that has formed the basis and philosophy of the state, making the state a friendly state recognised by all in respect to making Greater Accra Region the capital of the, then, Gold Coast in 1877.The Ga people were organized into six independent towns (Accra (Ga Mashie), Osu, La, Teshie, Nungua, and Tema). Each town had a stool, which served as the central object of Ga ritual and war magic. Accra became the most prominent Ga-Dangme towns and is now the heartbeat and capital of Ghana. The Ga people were originally farmers, but today fishing and trading in imported goods are the principal occupations. Trading is generally in the hands of women, and a husband has no control over his wife's money. Succession to most offices held by women and inheritance of women's property are by matrilineal descent. Inheritance of other property and succession to male-held public offices are by patrilineal descent. Men of the lineage live together in a men's compound, while women, even after marriage, live with their mothers and children in a women's compound. Each Ga town has a number of different cults and many gods, and there are a number of annual town festivals.The Dangme people occupy the coastal area of Ghana from Kpone to Ada, on the Volta River and South Atlantic Ocean along the Gulf of Guinea and inland along the Volta River. The Dangme People include the Ada, Kpone, Krobo, Ningo, Osudoku, Prampram, and Shai, all speaking Dangbe of the Kwa branch of the Niger-Congo family of languages. The Dangme People have the largest Population among the two related Ga-Dangme People. About 70% of the Greater Accra Regional Land is owned by the Dangmes located in Dangme East and Dangme West Districts of Ghana. Also, in the Eastern Region and Volta Region of Ghana, about 15% of lands belong to the Dangme People. These are mainly in the Manya Krobo and Yilo Krobo Districts of the Eastern Region. In the Agotime Area of Volta Region and the Dangme Area in the Southern part of Togo. Dangme occupations are fishing, trading and farming which is based on the Huza system. This was an early and innovative form of capitalism where an elaborate system of property ownership was established and subsequently shared. In this system a huge tract of land is acquired by a group of people but represented by a prominent member of the group, the group were usually members of an extended family; the land is subdivided among them according to the amount each has paid, and each individual thereafter has complete control of his own section. Negotiations with the seller are carried out by an elected Huzatse (“father of the Huza”), who later acts as the Huza leader and representative. Millet was formerly the staple food, but more common crops now include cassava, yams, corn (maize), plantain, cocoa, and palm oil. Lineage members generally return to the traditional lineage home from the Huza farms several times a year to participate in the festivals of their lineage gods. There are also many annual festivals.The Ga-Dangme are organized into clans based on patrilineal descent; the clans are subdivided into localized patrilineages, the basic units of the Ga-Dangme historical, political, cultural tribal group.

Public transit lines with stations closest to Ga Adangbe people in Accra

Bus lines with stations closest to Ga Adangbe people in Accra

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