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How to get to I Think Fitness in Andheri West by Bus, Train or Metro?

See I Think Fitness, Andheri West, on the map

Directions to I Think Fitness (Andheri West) with public transportation

The following transit lines have routes that pass near I Think Fitness

  • BusBus:
  • TrainTrain:
  • MetroMetro:

How to get to I Think Fitness by Bus?

Click on the Bus route to see step by step directions with maps, line arrival times and updated time schedules.

How to get to I Think Fitness by Train?

Click on the Train route to see step by step directions with maps, line arrival times and updated time schedules.

How to get to I Think Fitness by Metro?

Click on the Metro route to see step by step directions with maps, line arrival times and updated time schedules.

Bus stations near I Think Fitness in Andheri West

  • Juhu Bus Station,5 min walk,
  • Juhu Hotel,6 min walk,

Metro stations near I Think Fitness in Andheri West

  • Andheri (West),17 min walk,
  • D.N. Nagar,19 min walk,

Train stations near I Think Fitness in Andheri West

  • Andheri,22 min walk,

Bus lines to I Think Fitness in Andheri West

  • 28,J.V.P.D.Bus Station - Swami Dayanand Saraswati Chowk,
  • 56,Worli Depot - Vesava Yari Road Bus Station,
  • 203,Juhu Beach - Dahisar Bridge,
  • A-203,Andheri Railway Station (W) - Juhu Bus Station,
  • 231,Santacruz Railway Station (W) - Juhu Bus Station,
  • 255LTD,Pratiksha Nagar Depot - J.V.P.D.Bus Station,
  • A-256,Malvani Depot - Juhu Bus Station,
  • 339,Santacruz Depot - Juhu Bus Station,
  • 339,Majas Depot - Juhu Bus Station,
  • 627,Andheri Railway Station (W) - Mora Village,
  • 224,Santacruz Depot,
Questions & Answers
  • What are the closest stations to I Think Fitness?

    The closest stations to I Think Fitness are:

    • Juhu Bus Station is 345 meters away, 5 min walk.
    • Juhu Hotel is 397 meters away, 6 min walk.
    • Andheri (West) is 1340 meters away, 17 min walk.
    • D.N. Nagar is 1479 meters away, 19 min walk.
    • Andheri is 1674 meters away, 22 min walk.
  • Which Bus lines stop near I Think Fitness?

    These Bus lines stop near I Think Fitness: 203, 255LTD, 339, 56, 627, A-203, A-256

  • Which Train lines stop near I Think Fitness?

    These Train lines stop near I Think Fitness: HR, WR

  • Which Metro lines stop near I Think Fitness?

    These Metro lines stop near I Think Fitness: MM-1, MMMOCL

  • What’s the nearest metro station to I Think Fitness in Andheri West?

    The nearest metro station to I Think Fitness in Andheri West is Andheri (West). It’s a 17 min walk away.

  • What’s the nearest train station to I Think Fitness in Andheri West?

    The nearest train station to I Think Fitness in Andheri West is Andheri. It’s a 22 min walk away.

  • What’s the nearest bus stop to I Think Fitness in Andheri West?

    The nearest bus stop to I Think Fitness in Andheri West is Juhu Bus Station. It’s a 5 min walk away.

  • What time is the first Metro to I Think Fitness in Andheri West?

    The MM-1 is the first Metro that goes to I Think Fitness in Andheri West. It stops nearby at 5:32 AM.

  • What time is the last Metro to I Think Fitness in Andheri West?

    The MM-1 is the last Metro that goes to I Think Fitness in Andheri West. It stops nearby at 12:13 AM.

  • What time is the first Train to I Think Fitness in Andheri West?

    The WR is the first Train that goes to I Think Fitness in Andheri West. It stops nearby at 4:05 AM.

  • What time is the last Train to I Think Fitness in Andheri West?

    The WR is the last Train that goes to I Think Fitness in Andheri West. It stops nearby at 1:43 AM.

  • What time is the first Bus to I Think Fitness in Andheri West?

    The 56 is the first Bus that goes to I Think Fitness in Andheri West. It stops nearby at 4:44 AM.

  • What time is the last Bus to I Think Fitness in Andheri West?

    The 231 is the last Bus that goes to I Think Fitness in Andheri West. It stops nearby at 1:36 AM.

  • How much is the Train fare to I Think Fitness?

    The Train fare to I Think Fitness costs about ₹5.00 - ₹15.00.

  • How much is the Bus fare to I Think Fitness?

    The Bus fare to I Think Fitness costs about ₹5.00 - ₹25.00.

See I Think Fitness, Andheri West, on the map

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Public Transit to I Think Fitness in Andheri West

Wondering how to get to I Think Fitness in Andheri West, India? Moovit helps you find the best way to get to I Think Fitness with step-by-step directions from the nearest public transit station.

Moovit provides free maps and live directions to help you navigate through your city. View schedules, routes, timetables, and find out how long does it take to get to I Think Fitness in real time.

Looking for the nearest stop or station to I Think Fitness? Check out this list of stops closest to your destination: Juhu Bus Station; Juhu Hotel; Andheri (West); D.N. Nagar; Andheri.


Want to see if there’s another route that gets you there at an earlier time? Moovit helps you find alternative routes or times. Get directions from and directions to I Think Fitness easily from the Moovit App or Website.

We make riding to I Think Fitness easy, which is why over 1.5 million users, including users in Andheri West, trust Moovit as the best app for public transit. You don’t need to download an individual bus app or train app, Moovit is your all-in-one transit app that helps you find the best bus time or train time available.

For information on prices of Bus, Train and Metro, costs and ride fares to I Think Fitness, please check the Moovit app.

Use the app to navigate to popular places including to the airport, hospital, stadium, grocery store, mall, coffee shop, school, college, and university.

I Think Fitness Address: Saint Joseph Church Road street in Andheri West

I Think Fitness, Andheri West

Get around Andheri West by public transit!

Traveling around Andheri West has never been so easy. See step by step directions as you travel to any attraction, street or major public transit station. View bus and train schedules, arrival times, service alerts and detailed routes on a map, so you know exactly how to get to anywhere in Andheri West.

When traveling to any destination around Andheri West use Moovit's Live Directions with Get Off Notifications to know exactly where and how far to walk, how long to wait for your line, and how many stops are left. Moovit will alert you when it's time to get off — no need to constantly re-check whether yours is the next stop.

Wondering how to use public transit in Andheri West or how to pay for public transit in Andheri West? Moovit public transit app can help you navigate your way with public transit easily, and at minimum cost. It includes public transit fees, ticket prices, and costs. Looking for a map of Andheri West public transit lines? Moovit public transit app shows all public transit maps in Andheri West with all Bus, Train or Metro routes and stops on an interactive map.

Andheri West has 3 transit type(s), including: Bus, Train or Metro, operated by several transit agencies, including MMMOCL (Maha Mumbai Metro Operation Corporation Ltd.), NMM CIDCO (Navi Mumbai Metro Maha Metro), Reliance Mumbai Metro, MMRDA (Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority), BEST (Brihanmumbai Electricity Supply & Transport), BEST AC Services, A.C.Trains (Air-Conditioning Trains), W.R. (Western Railways), C.R. (Central Railways), C.R.MEMU (Central Railways Shuttle MEMU Trains), H.R. (Harbour Railways), T.R.(Trans Harbour Railways), U.R.(Uran-Ulwe Railways), TMT (Thane Municipal Transport) and TMT AC Services

Public transit lines with stations closest to I Think Fitness in Andheri West

Metro lines with stations closest to I Think Fitness in Andheri West

Train lines with stations closest to I Think Fitness in Andheri West

Bus lines with stations closest to I Think Fitness in Andheri West

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