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How to get to San Francisco-Oakland Bay Brg in Treasure Island, Sf by Bus?

See San Francisco-Oakland Bay Brg, Treasure Island, Sf, on the map

Directions to San Francisco-Oakland Bay Brg (Treasure Island, Sf) with public transportation

The following transit lines have routes that pass near San Francisco-Oakland Bay Brg

  • BusBus:

How to get to San Francisco-Oakland Bay Brg by Bus?

Click on the Bus route to see step by step directions with maps, line arrival times and updated time schedules.

Ferry stations near San Francisco-Oakland Bay Brg in Treasure Island, Sf

  • Treasure Island,20 min walk,
Questions & Answers
  • What are the closest stations to San Francisco-Oakland Bay Brg?

    The closest stations to San Francisco-Oakland Bay Brg are:

    • Treasure Island is 1206 yards away, 20 min walk.
  • Which Bus lines stop near San Francisco-Oakland Bay Brg?

    These Bus lines stop near San Francisco-Oakland Bay Brg: 25

  • What’s the nearest ferry station to San Francisco-Oakland Bay Brg in Treasure Island, Sf?

    The nearest ferry station to San Francisco-Oakland Bay Brg in Treasure Island, Sf is Treasure Island. It’s a 20 min walk away.

  • What time is the first Ferry to San Francisco-Oakland Bay Brg in Treasure Island, Sf?

    The TISF is the first Ferry that goes to San Francisco-Oakland Bay Brg in Treasure Island, Sf. It stops nearby at 7:30 AM.

  • What time is the last Ferry to San Francisco-Oakland Bay Brg in Treasure Island, Sf?

    The TISF is the last Ferry that goes to San Francisco-Oakland Bay Brg in Treasure Island, Sf. It stops nearby at 8:30 PM.

  • How much is the Bus fare to San Francisco-Oakland Bay Brg?

    The Bus fare to San Francisco-Oakland Bay Brg costs about $2.25 - $6.00.

See San Francisco-Oakland Bay Brg, Treasure Island, Sf, on the map

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Public Transit to San Francisco-Oakland Bay Brg in Treasure Island, Sf

Wondering how to get to San Francisco-Oakland Bay Brg in Treasure Island, Sf, United States? Moovit helps you find the best way to get to San Francisco-Oakland Bay Brg with step-by-step directions from the nearest public transit station.

Moovit provides free maps and live directions to help you navigate through your city. View schedules, routes, timetables, and find out how long does it take to get to San Francisco-Oakland Bay Brg in real time.

Looking for the nearest stop or station to San Francisco-Oakland Bay Brg? Check out this list of stops closest to your destination: Treasure Island.


Want to see if there’s another route that gets you there at an earlier time? Moovit helps you find alternative routes or times. Get directions from and directions to San Francisco-Oakland Bay Brg easily from the Moovit App or Website.

We make riding to San Francisco-Oakland Bay Brg easy, which is why over 1.5 million users, including users in Treasure Island, Sf, trust Moovit as the best app for public transit. You don’t need to download an individual bus app or train app, Moovit is your all-in-one transit app that helps you find the best bus time or train time available.

For information on prices of Bus, costs and ride fares to San Francisco-Oakland Bay Brg, please check the Moovit app.

Use the app to navigate to popular places including to the airport, hospital, stadium, grocery store, mall, coffee shop, school, college, and university.

San Francisco-Oakland Bay Brg Address: San Francisco, CA street in Treasure Island, Sf

San Francisco-Oakland Bay Brg, Treasure Island, Sf
San Francisco-Oakland Bay Brg, Treasure Island, SfThe San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge, known locally as the Bay Bridge, is a complex of bridges spanning San Francisco Bay in California. As part of Interstate 80 and the direct road between San Francisco and Oakland, it carries about 260,000 vehicles a day on its two decks. It includes one of the longest bridge spans in the United States. The toll bridge was conceived as early as the California Gold Rush days, with "Emperor" Joshua Norton famously advocating for it, but construction did not begin until 1933. Designed by Charles H. Purcell, and built by American Bridge Company, it opened on Thursday, November 12, 1936, six months before the Golden Gate Bridge. It originally carried automobile traffic on its upper deck, with trucks, cars, buses and commuter trains on the lower, but after the Key System abandoned its rail service on April 20, 1958, the lower deck was converted to all-road traffic as well. On October 12, 1963, traffic was reconfigured to one way traffic on each deck, westbound on the upper deck, and eastbound on the lower deck, with trucks and buses allowed on the upper deck.In 1986, the bridge was unofficially dedicated to former California Governor James Rolph.The bridge has two sections of roughly equal length; the older western section, officially known as the Willie L. Brown Jr. Bridge (after former San Francisco Mayor and California State Assembly Speaker Willie L. Brown Jr.), connects downtown San Francisco to Yerba Buena Island, and the newer unnamed eastern section connects the island to Oakland. The western section is a double suspension bridge with two decks, westbound traffic being carried on the upper deck while eastbound is carried on the lower one. The largest span of the original eastern section was a cantilever bridge. During the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, a portion of the eastern section's upper deck collapsed onto the lower deck and the bridge was closed for a month. Reconstruction of the eastern section of the bridge as a causeway connected to a self-anchored suspension bridge began in 2002; the new eastern section opened September 2, 2013, at a reported cost of over $6.5 billion; the original estimate of $250 million was for a seismic retrofit of the existing span. Unlike the western section and the original eastern section of the bridge, the new eastern section is a single deck carrying all eastbound and westbound lanes. Demolition of the old east span was completed on September 8, 2018.
How to get to San Francisco-Oakland Bay Brg with public transit - About the place

Public transit lines with stations closest to San Francisco-Oakland Bay Brg in Treasure Island, Sf

Ferry lines with stations closest to San Francisco-Oakland Bay Brg in Treasure Island, Sf

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