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How to get to Tightwad Hill in Berkeley by Bus, BART, Light Rail, Train or Cable Car?

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Directions to Tightwad Hill (Berkeley) with public transportation

The following transit lines have routes that pass near Tightwad Hill

  • BusBus:

How to get to Tightwad Hill by Bus?

Click on the Bus route to see step by step directions with maps, line arrival times and updated time schedules.

How to get to Tightwad Hill by BART?

Click on the BART route to see step by step directions with maps, line arrival times and updated time schedules.

Questions & Answers
  • Which Bus lines stop near Tightwad Hill?

    These Bus lines stop near Tightwad Hill: 36, 51B, 52, 7, 79

  • Which BART lines stop near Tightwad Hill?

    These BART lines stop near Tightwad Hill: RICHMOND - DALY CITY/MILLBRAE

See Tightwad Hill, Berkeley, on the map

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Public Transit to Tightwad Hill in Berkeley

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We make riding to Tightwad Hill easy, which is why over 1.5 million users, including users in Berkeley, trust Moovit as the best app for public transit. You don’t need to download an individual bus app or train app, Moovit is your all-in-one transit app that helps you find the best bus time or train time available.

For information on prices of Bus, BART, Light Rail, Train and Cable Car, costs and ride fares to Tightwad Hill, please check the Moovit app.

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Tightwad Hill Address: Stadium Rim Way street in Berkeley

Tightwad Hill, Berkeley
Tightwad Hill, BerkeleyTightwad Hill is the popular name for Charter Hill, the hill rising to the east of California Memorial Stadium at the University of California, Berkeley. Tightwad Hill is so named as it affords a free view of the stadium's field, allowing fans of the Golden Bears to see the game live, even if the stadium is sold out or if they don't want to buy tickets. The hill usually has its occupants, even when the stadium sports empty seats. Tightwad Hill is part of Charter Hill, the area behind campus that also encompasses the Big "C". Tightwad Hill rises steeply about 100 feet above the east rim of the stadium, to a relatively flat area where spectators perch. Created when Memorial Stadium was built in 1923, Tightwad Hill was created from the dirt removed during the excavation of lower Strawberry Canyon. The first time fans were seen on the hill for Cal games was on November 24th, 1923 during the inaugural game at California Memorial Stadium, which Cal won by a final score of 9–0, beating Stanford for the fifth straight year and securing their fourth straight undefeated season. Due to the stadium being sold out for the game, fans and students made their way up to the hill that had been created above the east rim of the stadium. Since then, U.C. Berkeley students, staff, faculty, and the public have enjoyed fall days on the Hill, cheering for the Golden Bears and enjoying the view of the U.C. campus, downtown Berkeley, and the central San Francisco Bay. There are and have been many unique features on the hill over the years. Some of the current items include: A bench that was built in a tree over 20 years ago. Another tree fell into it during the winter of 2013/2014 and, along with other trees affected by old age and storms, were cut down the week prior to the 2014 home opener. Parts of the bench though have been saved for future use somewhere in the main seating area of the Hill. Trash cans and recycling bins to help keep the hill looking spotless following games Terraces formed into the steep hillside to facilitate seating "The Tightwad Country Club", which is the seating area below the Tightwad Hill sign "The Pit", which is an area filled with broken glass below the lowest seating area on the main part of the Hill. "Tightwad Country Club Bench 2.0", which is an updated version of the bench that was in the same spot from 2004 to 2007 nailed to the base of a tree below the Country Club. The new bench made its debut during the 115th Big Game on October 20th, 2012. In 2006, the Regents of the University of California began considering a major renovation of Memorial Stadium. One plan proposed the construction of a new seating structure, the so-called "Eastside Seating Structure" on the promenade on the east side of the stadium. If this were to be built, it could block views of the field from Tightwad Hill, possibly eliminating this unusual and colorful tradition. An organization called "Save Tightwad Hill" sued the University, claiming that the Environmental Impact Report for the Stadium project did not adequately analyze the impacts of the planned improvements on historic resources and scenic views. The group eventually settled with the University. Under the terms of the agreement the University agreed in concept to preserve Tightwad Hill as an important Cal Football tradition, and to include representatives of Tightwad Hill in the design process for east side improvements. Tightwad Hill celebrated its 90th Anniversary in 2013.
How to get to Tightwad Hill with public transit - About the place
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