19 Line
Wellington South Of Dundas St Nb - #1939→South Wenige at Sunningdale Nb - #1727
LTC 19 Bus Route Schedule and Stops (Updated)
The 19 bus (Wellington South Of Dundas St Nb - #1939→South Wenige at Sunningdale Nb - #1727) has 60 stops departing from Wellington South Of Dundas St Nb - #1939 and ending at South Wenige at Sunningdale Nb - #1727.
Choose any of the 19 bus stops below to find updated real-time schedules and to see their route map.
Direction: Wellington South Of Dundas St Nb - #1939→South Wenige at Sunningdale Nb - #1727 (60 stops)
Wellington South Of Dundas St Nb - #1939
Queens at Clarence Wb - #1442
Queens at Richmond 2 Wb - #2971
Queens at Ridout Wb - #1443
Riverside at Wilson Wb - #1603
Riverside West Of Wharncliffe Wb - #1601
Riverside at Mt. Pleasant Wb - #1587
Riverside at Woodward Wb - #1607
Riverside at Britannia Wb - #1569
Riverside East Of Beaverbrook Wb - #1565
Riverside West Of Beaverbrook Wb - #1566
Riverside at Old Riverside Wb - #1590
Riverside at Braemar Wb - #1568
Wonderland at Riverside Nb - #2122
Kingsway at Wonderland Wb - #1092
Kingsway at Oakridge Wb - #1085
Valetta at Cayley Dr Wb - #1833
Valetta at Shrene Terrace Wb - #1848
Valetta at Adevon Wb - #1832
Valetta East Of Deerpark Cr Wb - #1835
Valetta West Of Deerpark Wb - #1836
Valetta at Hibicus Wb - #1838
Valetta at Plantation Rd Wb - #1845
Valetta at Woodborough St Wb - #1850
Valetta at Hyde Park Wb - #1840
Hyde Park at Fiddlers Green Nb - #1026
Hyde Park South Of Oxford Nb - #1029
Hyde Park North Of Oxford Nb - #2400
Hyde Park at Royal York Nb - #2402
Hyde Park at Ivanhill Nb - #1028
Hyde Park at Prince Phillip Nb - #2401
Hyde Park at Sarnia Nb - #2493
Hyde Park at South Carriage Nb - #2404
Hyde Park at Gainsborough Nb - #2397
Hyde Park at North Routledge Park Nb - #2685
Seagull at Hyde Park Eb - #2419
Stanton at Fanshawe Park Rd Nb - #2421
Fanshawe at Dalmagarry Eb - #2614
Fanshawe at Dalmagarry Fs1 Eb - #2753
Fanshawe at Aldersbrook Eb - #2510
Fanshawe at Foxwood Eb - #2755
Fanshawe at Wonderland Eb - #2516
Fanshawe at Pinnacle Eb - #2514
Fanshawe at Louise Eb - #701
Fanshawe at Richmond Eb - #2831
Fanshawe West Of North Centre Eb - #704
Fanshawe East Of North Centre Eb - #706
Fanshawe at Hastings West Eb - #697
Hastings at Donnybrook Nb - #891
Hastings at Virginia Nb - #892
Hastings at Chambers Nb - #889
Chambers at Sandybrook Nb - #341
Chambers at Skyline Nb - #342
Bluebell at Sunningdale Nb - #2309
Sunningdale at Blackwater Eb - #2699
Adelaide at Blackwater Sb - #2693
Blackwater East Of Adelaide Eb - #255
Thistlewood at Blackwater Eb - #1773
Thistlewood at South Wenige Eb - #2435
South Wenige at Sunningdale Nb - #1727
19 FAQ
What time does the 19 bus start operating?
Services on the 19 bus start at 06:00 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
What time does the 19 bus stop working?
Services on the 19 bus stop at 19:45 on Sunday.
What time does the 19 bus arrive?
When does the Wellington South Of Dundas St Nb - #1939→South Wenige at Sunningdale Nb - #1727 bus line come? Check Live Arrival Times for live arrival times and to see the full schedule for the Wellington South Of Dundas St Nb - #1939→South Wenige at Sunningdale Nb - #1727 bus line that is closest to your location.
Does the LTC 19 bus line run on Christmas Day?
The 19 bus's operating hours on Christmas Day may change. Check the Moovit app for latest changes and live updates.
Is there a 19 bus stop near me?
Click here to view the nearest 19 bus stop.
LTC 19 bus Route Map - Wellington South Of Dundas St Nb - #1939→South Wenige at Sunningdale Nb - #1727
LTC Bus Service Alerts
See all updates on 19 (from Wellington South Of Dundas St Nb - #1939), including real-time status info, bus delays, changes of routes, changes of stops locations, and any other service changes. Get a real-time map view of 19 (Wellington South Of Dundas St Nb - #1939→South Wenige at Sunningdale Nb - #1727) and track the bus as it moves on the map. Download the app for all London Transit info now.
19 line bus fare
LTC 19 (Wellington South Of Dundas St Nb - #1939→South Wenige at Sunningdale Nb - #1727) prices may change based on several factors. For more information about LTC tickets costs please check the Moovit app or London Transit’s official website.
19 (LTC)
The first stop of the 19 bus route is Wellington South Of Dundas St Nb - #1939 and the last stop is South Wenige at Sunningdale Nb - #1727. 19 (Wellington South Of Dundas St Nb - #1939→South Wenige at Sunningdale Nb - #1727) is operational during everyday.
Additional information: 19 has 60 stops and the total trip duration for this route is approximately 65 minutes.
On the go? See why over 1.5 million users trust Moovit as the best public transit app. Moovit gives you LTC suggested routes, real-time bus tracker, live directions, line route maps in London, and helps to find the closest 19 bus stops near you. No internet available? Download an offline PDF map and bus schedule for the 19 bus to take on your trip.
Line 19 Real Time bus Tracker
Track line 19 (Wellington South Of Dundas St Nb - #1939→South Wenige at Sunningdale Nb - #1727) on a live map in real time and follow its location as it moves between stations. Use Moovit as a line 19 bus tracker or a live LTC bus tracker app and never miss your bus.
Use the app as a trip planner for LTC or a trip planner for bus to plan your route around London. The trip planner shows updated data for LTC and any bus, including line 19, in London
19 - Alternative Directions
- 19 - Blackwater East Of Adelaide Eb - #255→South Wenige at Sunningdale Nb - #1727 / Schedule
- 19 - South Wenige at Sunningdale Nb - #1727→Sunningdale at Ymca Wb - #2700 / Schedule
- 19 - Wellington South Of Dundas St Nb - #1939→Fanshawe at Hastings West Eb - #697 / Schedule
- 19 - South Wenige at Sunningdale Nb - #1727→King at Richmond Eb - #1086 / Schedule
- 19 - Fanshawe at Hastings Wb - #696→Wellington South Of Dundas St Nb - #1939 / Schedule
- 19 - South Wenige at Sunningdale Nb - #1727→Wellington South Of Dundas St Nb - #1939 / Schedule
LTC Lines in London
- 06 - Route 6/ Schedule
- 95 - Route 95/ Schedule
- 36 - Route 36/ Schedule
- 33 - Route 33/ Schedule
- 03 - Route 3/ Schedule
- 27 - Route 27/ Schedule
- 05 - Route 5/ Schedule
- 12 - Route 12/ Schedule
- 35 - Route 35/ Schedule
- 28 - Route 28/ Schedule
- 94 - Route 94/ Schedule
- 31 - Route 31/ Schedule
- 17 - Route 17/ Schedule
- 24 - Route 24/ Schedule
- 20 - Route 20/ Schedule
- 102 - Route 102/ Schedule
- 09 - Route 9/ Schedule
- 30 - Route 30/ Schedule
- 16 - Route 16/ Schedule
- 01 - Route 1/ Schedule