3970 GERMANY Line
3965 - Santa Rosa Via Prado
CTCP 3970 GERMANY Bus Route Schedule and Stops (Updated)
The 3970 GERMANY bus (3965 - Santa Rosa Via Prado) has 47 stops departing from R. Rudi Bonow 538 - Três Vendas Pelotas - Rs 96070-310 Brasil and ending at Passeio Dos Rodoviários Pelotas - Rio Grande Do Sul 96025 Brasil.
3970 GERMANY bus time schedule overview for the upcoming week: It departs once a day at 06:25. Operating days this week: weekdays.
Choose any of the 3970 GERMANY bus stops below to find updated real-time schedules and to see their route map.
Direction: 3965 - Santa Rosa Via Prado (47 stops)
R. Rudi Bonow 538 - Três Vendas Pelotas - Rs 96070-310 Brasil
R. Rudi Bonow 538 - Três Vendas Pelotas - Rs 96070-310 Brasil
R. Rudi Bonow 538 - Três Vendas Pelotas - Rs 96070-310 Brasil
R. Rudi Bonow 538 - Três Vendas Pelotas - Rs 96070-310 Brasil
R. Rudi Bonow 275 - Jacob Brod Pelotas - Rs Brasil
Av. Fernando Osório 5087-5099 - Centro Pelotas - Rs Brasil
R. Clio Fiori Druck 901-917 - Três Vendas Pelotas - Rs Brasil
R. Clio Fiori Druck 786-878 - Três Vendas Pelotas - Rs 96070-580 Brasil
R. Clio Fiori Druck 630 - Três Vendas Pelotas - Rs Brasil
R. João Carlos Delassio - Conjunt0 Fernando Osório Pelotas - Rs Brasil
R. Clio Fiori Druck 400-414 - Três Vendas Pelotas - Rs Brasil
Av. Zeferino Costa 2378 - Três Vendas Pelotas - Rs 96070-480 Brasil
Av. Zeferino Costa 2190 - Três Vendas Pelotas - Rs 96070-480 Brasil
Av. Zeferino Costa 1767-1929 - Três Vendas Pelotas - Rs Brasil
R. Trilhos Velhos 2-460 - Três Vendas Pelotas - Rs Brasil
R. Trilhos Velhos 2-460 - Três Vendas Pelotas - Rs Brasil
R. Sete 34-140 - Santa Rita De Cassia Pelotas - Rs Brasil
Av. Um - Santa Rita De Cassia Pelotas - Rs Brasil
Av. Um - Santa Rita De Cassia Pelotas - Rs Brasil
Av. Um - Santa Rita De Cassia Pelotas - Rs Brasil
R. Trilhos Velhos 888 - Três Vendas Pelotas - Rs 96065-090 Brasil
Av. Fernando Osório 4367 - Três Vendas Pelotas - Rs 96065-040 Brasil
Av. Fernando Osório 4031-4035 - Centro Pelotas - Rs Brasil
Av. Fernando Osório 3787-3833 - Centro Pelotas - Rs Brasil
Av. Fernando Osório 3417-3429 - Centro Pelotas - Rs Brasil
Av. Fernando Osório 3269-3285 - Centro Pelotas - Rs Brasil
Av. Fernando Osório 2843-2889 - Centro Pelotas - Rs Brasil
Av. Fernando Osório 2591 - Centro Pelotas - Rs Brasil
Av. Fernando Osório 2163 - Centro Pelotas - Rs Brasil
Av. Fernando Osório 1859 - Centro Pelotas - Rs Brasil
Av. Fernando Osório 1763 - Centro Pelotas - Rs 96055-005 Brasil
Av. Fernando Osório 1395-1415 - Centro Pelotas - Rs Brasil
Av. Fernando Osório 889 - Centro Pelotas - Rs Brasil
Av. Fernando Osório 663 - Centro Pelotas - Rs Brasil
Av. Fernando Osório 491-615 - Centro Pelotas - Rs Brasil
Av. Fernando Osório 203 - Centro Pelotas - Rs Brasil
R. Prof. Dr. Araújo 2201 - Centro Pelotas - Rs Brasil
R. Rafael Pinto Bandeira 2332 - Centro Pelotas - Rs 96020-690 Brasil
R. Mal. Deodoro 1204-1220 - Centro Pelotas - Rs 96020-220 Brasil
R. Mal. Deodoro 1151 - Centro Pelotas - Rs 96020-220 Brasil
R. Mal. Deodoro 1092-1100 - Centro Pelotas - Rs 96020-220 Brasil
Condomínio Edifício São João - R. Sen. Mendonça 120 - Centro Pelotas - Rs 96015-200 Brasil
Rua Marechal Deodoro 807
Rua Marechal Deodoro 607
R. Mal. Deodoro 453 - Centro Pelotas - Rs 96020-220 Brasil
Rua Dom Pedro II 1139
Passeio Dos Rodoviários Pelotas - Rio Grande Do Sul 96025 Brasil
What time does the 3970 GERMANY bus start operating?
Services on the 3970 GERMANY bus start at 06:25 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
What time does the 3970 GERMANY bus stop working?
Services on the 3970 GERMANY bus stop at 06:25 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
What time does the 3970 GERMANY bus arrive?
When does the 3965 - Santa Rosa Via Prado bus line come? for live arrival times and to see the full schedule for the 3965 - Santa Rosa Via Prado bus line that is closest to your location.
Is there a 3970 GERMANY bus stop near me?
to view the nearest 3970 GERMANY bus stop.
CTCP 3970 GERMANY bus Route Map - 3965 - Santa Rosa Via Prado
CTCP Bus Service Alerts
See all updates on 3970 GERMANY (from R. Rudi Bonow 538 - Três Vendas Pelotas - Rs 96070-310 Brasil), including real-time status info, bus delays, changes of routes, changes of stops locations, and any other service changes. Get a real-time map view of 3970 GERMANY (3965 - Santa Rosa Via Prado) and track the bus as it moves on the map. Download the app for all CTCP info now.
3970 GERMANY line bus fare
CTCP 3970 GERMANY (3965 - Santa Rosa Via Prado) prices may change based on several factors. For more information about CTCP tickets costs please check the Moovit app or CTCP’s official website.
The first stop of the 3970 GERMANY bus route is R. Rudi Bonow 538 - Três Vendas Pelotas - Rs 96070-310 Brasil and the last stop is Passeio Dos Rodoviários Pelotas - Rio Grande Do Sul 96025 Brasil. 3970 GERMANY (3965 - Santa Rosa Via Prado) is operational during weekdays.
Additional information: 3970 GERMANY has 47 stops and the total trip duration for this route is approximately 35 minutes.
On the go? See why over 1.5 million users trust Moovit as the best public transit app. Moovit gives you CTCP suggested routes, real-time bus tracker, live directions, line route maps in Pelotas and Rio Grande, and helps to find the closest 3970 GERMANY bus stops near you. No internet available? Download an offline PDF map and bus schedule for the 3970 GERMANY bus to take on your trip.
Line 3970 GERMANY Real Time bus Tracker
Track line 3970 GERMANY (3965 - Santa Rosa Via Prado) on a live map in real time and follow its location as it moves between stations. Use Moovit as a line 3970 GERMANY bus tracker or a live CTCP bus tracker app and never miss your bus.
Use the app as a trip planner for CTCP or a trip planner for bus to plan your route around Pelotas and Rio Grande. The trip planner shows updated data for CTCP and any bus, including line 3970 GERMANY, in Pelotas and Rio Grande
3970 GERMANY - Alternative Directions
- 3970 GERMANY - 3969 - Germany/ Fernando Osório / Schedule
- 3970 GERMANY - 3967 - Santa Rosa / Eldorado / Castelo / Schedule
- 3970 GERMANY - 3970 - Germany Via Aeroporto / Schedule
- 3970 GERMANY - 3971- Germany Via Aeroporto/Castelo / Schedule
- 3970 GERMANY - 3967 - Santa Rosa / Eldorado / Castelo / Schedule
CTCP Lines in Pelotas and Rio Grande
- 8192 - Interbairros Esquerda/ Schedule
- 1999 CORUJA FRAGATA - Coruja Fragata/ Schedule
- 8192 INTERBAIRROS ESQUERDA - Interbairros Esquerda/ Schedule
- 1101 - Fragata/ Schedule
- 3761 VILA PRINCESA - Vila Princesa/ Schedule
- 3361 - Py Crespo/ Schedule
- 2511 CAVG - Cavg/ Schedule
- 5481 - Colônia Z-3/ Schedule
- 2411 JARDIM DAS TRADIÇÕES / QUERENCIA - Jardim Das Tradições / Querencia/ Schedule
- 1831 - Padre Reus/ Schedule
- 2511 - Cavg/ Schedule
- 5281 - Balneário Dos Prazeres/ Schedule
- 2211 SANGA FUNDA - Sanga Funda/ Schedule
- 3061 - Posto Branco/ Schedule
- 1831 PADRE REUS - Padre Reus/ Schedule
- 2411 - Jardim Das Tradições / Querencia/ Schedule
- 1601 FRONTINO VIEIRA - Frontino Vieira/ Schedule
- 5281 BALNEÁRIO DOS PRAZERES - Balneário Dos Prazeres/ Schedule
- 3461 PESTANO - Pestano/ Schedule
- 3761 - Vila Princesa/ Schedule