9 Line
Retiro - Caraza (X Castro)
Gral. Tomás Guido
Gral. Tomás Guido 9 Colectivo Route Schedule and Stops (Updated)
The 9 Colectivo (Retiro - Caraza (X Castro)) has 78 stops departing from Terminal Retiro (9) and ending at Humahuaca Y 25 De Mayo.
Choose any of the 9 Colectivo stops below to find updated real-time schedules and to see their route map.
Direction: Retiro - Caraza (X Castro) (78 stops)
Terminal Retiro (9)
Retiro San Martín (7 - 9 - 26 - 106)
Retiro Mitre (9 - 23 - 33 - 126)
Marcelo T. De Alvear (8 - 9 - 45)
Avenida Córdoba Y San Martín (9 - 132)
Avenida Córdoba Y Esmeralda (9 - 45)
Córdoba (9)
Obelisco Sur (9 - 67)
Hipólito Yrigoyen (9 - 91)
Chile (9 - 91)
Plaza Constitución (9)
Estación Constitución (9 - 28)
Herrera E Ituzaingó (9 - 28 - 46)
15 De Noviembre Y Salta (9 - 28)
15 De Noviembre Y San José
15 De Noviembre Y Virrey Cevallos
15 De Noviembre Y Avenida Entre Ríos (9 - 28)
Hospital Udaondo (9 - 25 - 28)
Avenida Caseros Y Pasco
Parque Ameghino (9 - 91 - 133 - 150)
Avenida Caseros Y Avenida Jujuy (9 - 28)
Avenida Caseros Y Esteban De Luca (9 - 28 - 50)
Avenida Caseros Y General Urquiza (9 - 25 - 50)
Avenida Caseros Y Avenida Almafuerte (9 - 50)
Avenida Caseros Y Avenida Boedo (9 - 25 - 134)
Raulet Y Av. Caseros
Raulet Y Avenida Sáenz
Avenida Sáenz Y Del Tigre (6 - 9)
Avenida Sáenz Y Famatina (6 - 9)
Av. Sáenz (9 - 75)
Avenida Remedios De Escalada Y Palacios
Avenida Remedios De Escalada Y Jean Jaures
Rincón Y Av. Escalada
Pampa Y Av. Escalada
Liniers Y Obon
Ocampo Y Obon
Millán Y Obon
Cnel. D´Elía Y Obon
Sayos Y Obon
Viamonte Y Obon
Talcahuano Y Obon
Manuela Pedraza Y Obon
Warnes Y Obon
Potosí Y Warnes
Lomas Valentinas Y Warnes
Osorio Y Warnes
Emilio Castro Y Osorio
Osorio Y J.M. Moreno
Murguiondo Y J.M. Moreno
Molinedo Y J.M. Moreno
25 De Mayo Y Molinedo
Manuel Castro Y Molinedo
Itapirú Y Manuel Castro
Florida Y Manuel Castro
Rucci Y Manuel Castro
Farrell Y Manuel Castro
Boquerón Y Manuel Castro
Marco Avellaneda Y Boquerón
Farrell Y Marco Avellaneda
Olazábal Y Farrell
Boquerón Y Olazábal
Balbín Y Olazábal
Ucrania Y Olazábal
Oliden Y Olazábal
Rivadavia Y Olazábal
Murature Y Olazábal
Tagle Y Olazábal
Deán Funes Y Olazábal
Mendoza Y Olazábal
1º De Mayo Y Mendoza
Marco Avellaneda Y Mendoza
Lituania Y Mendoza
Manuel Castro Y Mendoza
Yerbal Y Mendoza
25 De Mayo Y Mendoza
Deán Funes Y 25 De Mayo
Chubut Y 25 De Mayo
Humahuaca Y 25 De Mayo
What time does the 9 Colectivo start operating?
9 Colectivo is available 24/7
What time does the 9 Colectivo stop working?
9 Colectivo operates 24/7
What time does the 9 Colectivo arrive?
When does the Retiro - Caraza (X Castro) Colectivo line come? Check Live Arrival Times for live arrival times and to see the full schedule for the Retiro - Caraza (X Castro) Colectivo line that is closest to your location.
Does the Gral. Tomás Guido 9 Colectivo line run on National Sovereignty Day?
The 9 Colectivo's operating hours on National Sovereignty Day may change. Check the Moovit app for latest changes and live updates.
Is there a 9 Colectivo stop near me?
Click here to view the nearest 9 Colectivo stop.
Gral. Tomás Guido Colectivo Service Alerts
See all updates on 9 (from Terminal Retiro (9)), including real-time status info, Colectivo delays, changes of routes, changes of stops locations, and any other service changes. Get a real-time map view of 9 (Retiro - Caraza (X Castro)) and track the Colectivo as it moves on the map. Download the app for all Gral. Tomás Guido info now.
9 line Colectivo fare
Gral. Tomás Guido 9 (Retiro - Caraza (X Castro)) prices may change based on several factors. For more information about Gral. Tomás Guido tickets costs please check the Moovit app or Gral. Tomás Guido’s official website.
9 (Gral. Tomás Guido)
The first stop of the 9 Colectivo route is Terminal Retiro (9) and the last stop is Humahuaca Y 25 De Mayo. 9 (Retiro - Caraza (X Castro)) is operational during everyday.
Additional information: 9 has 78 stops and the total trip duration for this route is approximately 70 minutes.
On the go? See why over 1.5 million users trust Moovit as the best public transit app. Moovit gives you Gral. Tomás Guido suggested routes, real-time Colectivo tracker, live directions, line route maps in Buenos Aires, and helps to find the closest 9 Colectivo stops near you. No internet available? Download an offline PDF map and Colectivo schedule for the 9 Colectivo to take on your trip.
Line 9 Real Time Colectivo Tracker
Track line 9 (Retiro - Caraza (X Castro)) on a live map in real time and follow its location as it moves between stations. Use Moovit as a line 9 Colectivo tracker or a live Gral. Tomás Guido Colectivo tracker app and never miss your Colectivo.
Use the app as a trip planner for Gral. Tomás Guido or a trip planner for train, light rail, Subte, Colectivo or ferry to plan your route around Buenos Aires. The trip planner shows updated data for Gral. Tomás Guido and any Colectivo, including line 9, in Buenos Aires
Gral. Tomás Guido Lines in Buenos Aires
- 271 - Est. Burzaco - Avellaneda - Est. Lanus/ Schedule
- 25 - La Boca - Sáenz Peña/ Schedule
- 299 - Est. Lanús - Est. Banfield - San José/ Schedule
- 570 - Villa Castellino - Avellaneda - Villa Corina/ Schedule
- 84 - Villa del Parque - Constitución/ Schedule
- 164 - Est. Mte. Grande - Pompeya - Plaza Once/ Schedule
- 384 - San Francisco Solano - Est. Adrogue/ Schedule
- 373 - Carlan - Isla Maciel - Destileria/ Schedule