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S-Bahn Hamburg - Schedules, Routes and Stops

S-Bahn Hamburg

S-Bahn Hamburg is a public transportation provider in Bremen & Lower Saxony which operates S-Bahn lines.

The S-Bahn Hamburg has 4 S-Bahn lines in Bremen & Lower Saxony with 62 S-Bahn stations.

Their S-Bahn lines cover an area from the Stade(Niederelbe) stop to the Aumühle stop and from the Pinneberg stop to the Hamburg-Harburg stop.

S-Bahn Hamburg line schedules (timetables, itineraries, service hours), and departure and arrival times to stations are updated in the app in real time.

Pick a line to view updated schedules and stops

S-Bahn Hamburg coverage area map

S-Bahn Hamburg coverage area map
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S-Bahn Hamburg Schedule Updates

For S-Bahn Hamburg service alerts, please check the Moovit website for real-time info on S-Bahn status, S-Bahn delays, changes of S-Bahn routes, changes of stations and any service changes.

S-Bahn Hamburg is a public transportation provider in Bremen & Lower Saxony which operates S-Bahn lines.

The S-Bahn Hamburg has 4 S-Bahn lines in Bremen & Lower Saxony with 62 S-Bahn stations.

Their S-Bahn lines cover an area from the Stade(Niederelbe) stop to the Aumühle stop and from the Pinneberg stop to the Hamburg-Harburg stop.

S-Bahn Hamburg line schedules (timetables, itineraries, service hours), and departure and arrival times to stations are updated in the app in real time.

Facts about S-Bahn Hamburg

The S-Bahn Hamburg has S-Bahn lines operating across Bremen & Lower Saxony including: .

The longest line from the S-Bahn Hamburg is: S3. This S-Bahn line starts from Hamburg-Neugraben and ends at Pinneberg. It covers over 42 km and has 24 stops.

The shortest line is: S1. This S-Bahn line begins from Hamburg-Poppenbüttel and finishes at Hamburg-Ohlsdorf. It runs through 6 km with 5 stops.

S-Bahn Hamburg - S-Bahn fare information

Costs and prices of different ticket types may change, based on several factors. Please check the Moovit app to view S-Bahn fares of individual lines. For more information on ride fares and for buying S-Bahn tickets online please visit S-Bahn Hamburg's official site.

S-Bahn Hamburg schedule

Looking for a specific S-Bahn Hamburg S-Bahn schedule? All S-Bahn Hamburg lines and schedules in Bremen & Lower Saxony can be found in the Moovit App. Moovit gives you directions for S-Bahn Hamburg routes and provides helpful step-by-step navigation.

Official Real-Time arrivals. Schedules and Maps for S-Bahn Hamburg