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Public Transit Index - Los Angeles, United States

This is an index page of all available public transit lines operating in Los Angeles, United States including all Bus, Train, Subway, Light Rail, Ferry and Funicular lines. The index includes agencies such as LA Go Bus, Compton Renaissance Transit, Calabasas Transit System, Cerritos On Wheels, Huntington Park Express, LAWNDALE BEAT, Moorpark City Transit, Ojai Trolley, Lynwood Trolley / Breeze, Rosemead Explorer and Metrolink Trains and more. Find information on routes, stops, maps, and schedules, including real-time updated timetables and departure times.

Bus agencies

LA Go Bus

Compton Renaissance Transit

Calabasas Transit System

Cerritos On Wheels

Huntington Park Express


Moorpark City Transit

Ojai Trolley

Lynwood Trolley / Breeze

Rosemead Explorer

Sierra Madre Gateway Coach

Get Around Town Express

Spirit Bus

La Puente LINK

Go West Shuttle

City of Arcadia

Valley Express Transit Service

La Campana

Dana Point Trolley

Laguna Niguel Shuttle

San Juan Capistrano Trolley

Balboa Peninsula Shuttle

San Clemente Trolley

Artesia Transit

Kern Transit



Maywood Express Shuttle


Clean Air Express

Train agencies

Metrolink Trains

Real-Time Arrivals, Schedules, Maps & More