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0.933 - |CORUJÃO| Rod. Taguatinga / P Sul (Ceil. Sul-Centro / Guariroba) Schedule

Sunday to Saturday Schedule

StationDeparture #1Departure #2Departure #3Departure #4
Rod. Taguatinga | Linhas do DF03:3005:0000:3002:00
Via Estádio | Rodoviária / Atacadão / DCA II / Estádio03:3005:0000:3002:00
Via Estádio | Atacadão / Dca II / Rodoviária / Estádio03:3005:0000:3002:00
Via Estádio | Estação Centro Metropolitano / Detran03:3205:0200:3202:02
Via Estádio | Qnm 25 (Postos De Combustíveis)03:3305:0300:3302:03
Via Ceil.Sul - Eqnm 23/25 (Posto Shell)03:3405:0400:3402:04
Via Ceil.Sul - Qnm 23 Cj B03:3405:0500:3402:04
Via Ceil.Sul - Eqnm 21/23 (Via Sul Motel)03:3505:0600:3502:05
Via Ceil.Sul - Qnm 21 Cj B03:3605:0600:3602:06
Via Ceil.Sul - Eqnm 19/21 (Cilc)03:3705:0700:3702:07
Via Ceil.Sul - Qnm 19 Cj A (Assaí/Dia A Dia/Adm.Regional)03:3705:0800:3702:07
Via Ceil.Sul - Eqnm 17/19 (Gonçalina/Shopping Popular)03:3805:0900:3802:08
Hélio Prates | Feira Central Da Ceilândia03:3905:1000:3902:09
Hélio Prates | Qnm 2 (Beer House)03:4005:1100:4002:10
Hélio Prates | Qnn 1 (Banco Do Brasil)03:4105:1200:4102:11
Hélio Prates | Fort Atacadista / Estação Ceilândia Centro03:4205:1300:4202:12
Av. Guariroba - Eqnn 18/20 (Demacol/Ubs 10)03:4305:1400:4302:13
Av. Guariroba - Qnn 20 Cj A (Abadião/São João Do Cerrado)03:4405:1500:4402:14
Av. Guariroba - Eqnn 20/22 (Escola Técnica De Ceilândia)03:4405:1600:4402:14
Av. Guariroba - Qnn 22 Cj B (Estação Guariroba/Ec 59)03:4505:1600:4502:15
Av. Guariroba - Eqnn 22/24 (Centro De Convivência/Centro Comunitário Da Criança)03:4605:1700:4602:16
Av. Guariroba - Eqnn 24/26 (Estação Ceilândia Sul)03:4705:1900:4702:17
Via Estádio | Qnn 26 (Unb - Campus Ceilândia)03:4805:2000:4802:18
Via Estádio | Qnn 4003:4905:2100:4902:19
Via Estádio | Qnp 1803:5005:2100:5002:20
Av. P2 Sul - Eqnp 14/18 (Guarapari)03:5105:2200:5102:21
Av. P2 Sul - Qnp 1403:5205:2300:5202:22
Av. P2 Sul - Eqnp 10/14 (Supercei)03:5205:2400:5202:22
Av. P2 Sul - Qnp 1003:5305:2500:5302:23
Av. P2 Sul - Eqnp 6/1003:5405:2600:5402:24
Shsn/Eqnp 8/1203:5405:2600:5402:24
Av. P3 Sul - Qnp 3003:5705:2900:5702:27
Via Estádio | Qnp 3403:5905:3100:5902:29
Av. P4 Sul - Eqnp 30/3404:0005:3201:0002:30
Av. P4 Sul - Qnp 3004:0105:3301:0102:31
Av. P4 Sul - Eqnp 26/3004:0105:3401:0102:31
Av. P4 Sul - Qnp 2604:0205:3401:0202:32
Av. P4 Sul - Eqnp 22/2604:0305:3501:0302:33
Eqnp 22/2604:0305:3601:0302:33
Av. P3 Sul - Eqnp 22/2604:0405:3601:0402:34
Av. P3 Sul - Qnp 2604:0505:3701:0502:35
Av. P3 Sul - Eqnp 26/3004:0505:3801:0502:35
Av. P3 Sul - Eqnp 30/34 (Supercei)04:0705:3901:0702:37
Via Estádio | Entrada Pôr Do Sol04:0805:4101:0802:38
Via Estádio | Ade Q.3 Cj. H04:0805:4101:0802:38
Via Estádio | Ade Q.3 Cj. B04:0905:4201:0902:39
Via Estádio | Ade Q.1 Cj. C04:1005:4301:1002:40
Via Estádio | Ade Q.1 Cj. A04:1105:4401:1102:41
Via Estádio | Unb - Campus Ceilândia04:1205:4501:1202:42
Via Estádio | Ifb - Campus Ceilândia04:1205:4501:1202:42

Marechal bus schedule - 0.933 (|CORUJÃO| Rod. Taguatinga / P Sul (Ceil. Sul-Centro / Guariroba))

The Marechal bus schedule for the 0.933 route, |CORUJÃO| Rod. Taguatinga / P Sul (Ceil. Sul-Centro / Guariroba), provides commuters with a reliable timetable. The schedule is for the trip plan from Rod. Taguatinga | Linhas do DF station to Rod. Taguatinga | INTERESTADUAL station, however the schedule may be updated due to different reasons.

You can access an online real-time schedule or view a printable version of the bus schedule. Plan your journey according to the schedule for today, tomorrow, weekdays, or the weekend with our reliable and up-to-date Marechal schedule.