36 - 福康街, 近金寶樓 Fook Hong Street, Near Kam Bo Building Schedule
Sunday to Saturday Schedule
Station | Departure #1 | Departure #2 | Departure #3 | Departure #4 | Departure #5 | Departure #6 | Departure #7 | Departure #8 | Departure #9 | Departure #10 | Departure #11 | Departure #12 | Departure #13 | Departure #14 | Departure #15 | Departure #16 | Departure #17 | Departure #18 | Departure #19 | Departure #20 | Departure #21 | Departure #22 | Departure #23 | Departure #24 | Departure #25 | Departure #26 | Departure #27 | Departure #28 | Departure #29 | Departure #30 | Departure #31 | Departure #32 | Departure #33 | Departure #34 | Departure #35 | Departure #36 | Departure #37 | Departure #38 | Departure #39 | Departure #40 | Departure #41 | Departure #42 | Departure #43 | Departure #44 | Departure #45 | Departure #46 | Departure #47 | Departure #48 | Departure #49 | Departure #50 | Departure #51 | Departure #52 | Departure #53 | Departure #54 |
大生圍村公所小巴總站 Tai Sang Wai Village Office Minibus Terminus | 06:00 | 06:10 | 06:20 | 06:30 | 06:40 | 06:50 | 07:00 | 07:10 | 07:20 | 07:30 | 07:40 | 07:50 | 08:00 | 08:10 | 08:20 | 08:30 | 08:40 | 08:50 | 09:00 | 09:10 | 09:20 | 09:30 | 09:42 | 09:54 | 10:06 | 10:18 | 10:30 | 10:45 | 11:00 | 11:15 | 11:30 | 11:45 | 12:00 | 12:15 | 12:30 | 12:45 | 13:00 | 13:15 | 13:30 | 13:45 | 14:00 | 14:15 | 14:30 | 14:45 | 15:00 | 15:15 | 15:30 | 15:45 | 20:00 | 20:15 | 20:30 | 20:45 | 21:00 | 21:55 |
未命名通道, 近錦綉花園 Unnamed Access Road, Near Fairview Park | 06:02 | 06:12 | 06:22 | 06:32 | 06:42 | 06:52 | 07:02 | 07:12 | 07:22 | 07:32 | 07:42 | 07:52 | 08:02 | 08:12 | 08:22 | 08:32 | 08:42 | 08:52 | 09:02 | 09:12 | 09:22 | 09:32 | 09:44 | 09:56 | 10:08 | 10:20 | 10:32 | 10:47 | 11:02 | 11:17 | 11:32 | 11:47 | 12:02 | 12:17 | 12:32 | 12:47 | 13:02 | 13:17 | 13:32 | 13:47 | 14:02 | 14:17 | 14:32 | 14:47 | 15:02 | 15:17 | 15:32 | 15:47 | 20:02 | 20:17 | 20:32 | 20:47 | 21:02 | 21:57 |
未命名通道, 近港澳信義會黃陳淑英紀念學校 Unnamed Access Road, Near Hong Kong And Macau Lutheran Church Wong Chan Sook Ying Memorial School | 06:03 | 06:13 | 06:23 | 06:33 | 06:43 | 06:53 | 07:03 | 07:13 | 07:23 | 07:33 | 07:43 | 07:53 | 08:03 | 08:13 | 08:23 | 08:33 | 08:43 | 08:53 | 09:03 | 09:13 | 09:23 | 09:33 | 09:45 | 09:57 | 10:09 | 10:21 | 10:33 | 10:48 | 11:03 | 11:18 | 11:33 | 11:48 | 12:03 | 12:18 | 12:33 | 12:48 | 13:03 | 13:18 | 13:33 | 13:48 | 14:03 | 14:18 | 14:33 | 14:48 | 15:03 | 15:18 | 15:33 | 15:48 | 20:03 | 20:18 | 20:33 | 20:48 | 21:03 | 21:58 |
錦綉花園大道, 近錦綉花園 Fairview Park Boulevard, Near Fairview Park | 06:03 | 06:13 | 06:23 | 06:33 | 06:43 | 06:53 | 07:04 | 07:14 | 07:24 | 07:34 | 07:44 | 07:54 | 08:04 | 08:14 | 08:24 | 08:34 | 08:44 | 08:54 | 09:04 | 09:14 | 09:24 | 09:34 | 09:46 | 09:58 | 10:09 | 10:21 | 10:33 | 10:48 | 11:03 | 11:18 | 11:33 | 11:48 | 12:03 | 12:18 | 12:33 | 12:48 | 13:03 | 13:18 | 13:33 | 13:48 | 14:03 | 14:18 | 14:33 | 14:48 | 15:04 | 15:19 | 15:34 | 15:49 | 20:03 | 20:18 | 20:33 | 20:48 | 21:03 | 21:58 |
錦綉花園大道, 近明珠花園第一座 Fairview Park Boulevard, Near Helene Terrace Block 1 | 06:04 | 06:14 | 06:24 | 06:34 | 06:44 | 06:54 | 07:05 | 07:15 | 07:25 | 07:35 | 07:45 | 07:55 | 08:05 | 08:15 | 08:25 | 08:35 | 08:45 | 08:55 | 09:05 | 09:15 | 09:25 | 09:35 | 09:47 | 09:59 | 10:10 | 10:22 | 10:34 | 10:49 | 11:04 | 11:19 | 11:34 | 11:49 | 12:04 | 12:19 | 12:34 | 12:49 | 13:04 | 13:19 | 13:34 | 13:49 | 14:04 | 14:19 | 14:34 | 14:49 | 15:05 | 15:20 | 15:35 | 15:50 | 20:04 | 20:19 | 20:34 | 20:49 | 21:04 | 21:59 |
錦綉花園大道, 近海錦花園19 Fairview Park Boulevard, Near Villa Camellia 19 | 06:04 | 06:14 | 06:24 | 06:34 | 06:44 | 06:54 | 07:06 | 07:16 | 07:26 | 07:36 | 07:46 | 07:56 | 08:06 | 08:16 | 08:26 | 08:36 | 08:46 | 08:56 | 09:06 | 09:16 | 09:26 | 09:36 | 09:48 | 10:00 | 10:11 | 10:23 | 10:35 | 10:50 | 11:05 | 11:20 | 11:35 | 11:50 | 12:05 | 12:20 | 12:35 | 12:50 | 13:05 | 13:20 | 13:35 | 13:50 | 14:05 | 14:20 | 14:35 | 14:50 | 15:06 | 15:21 | 15:36 | 15:51 | 20:04 | 20:19 | 20:34 | 20:49 | 21:04 | 21:59 |
錦綉花園大道, 近首譽A座 Fairview Park Boulevard, Near Meister House Tower A | 06:05 | 06:15 | 06:25 | 06:35 | 06:45 | 06:55 | 07:07 | 07:17 | 07:27 | 07:37 | 07:47 | 07:57 | 08:07 | 08:17 | 08:27 | 08:37 | 08:47 | 08:57 | 09:07 | 09:17 | 09:27 | 09:37 | 09:49 | 10:01 | 10:12 | 10:24 | 10:36 | 10:51 | 11:06 | 11:21 | 11:36 | 11:51 | 12:06 | 12:21 | 12:36 | 12:51 | 13:06 | 13:21 | 13:36 | 13:51 | 14:06 | 14:21 | 14:36 | 14:51 | 15:07 | 15:22 | 15:37 | 15:52 | 20:05 | 20:20 | 20:35 | 20:50 | 21:05 | 22:00 |
青山公路-潭尾段, 近悅富豪苑Merry Garden House 1 Castle Peak Road - Tam Mi, Near Merry Garden House 1 | 06:08 | 06:18 | 06:28 | 06:38 | 06:48 | 06:58 | 07:10 | 07:20 | 07:30 | 07:40 | 07:50 | 08:00 | 08:10 | 08:20 | 08:30 | 08:40 | 08:50 | 09:00 | 09:10 | 09:20 | 09:30 | 09:40 | 09:52 | 10:03 | 10:14 | 10:26 | 10:38 | 10:53 | 11:08 | 11:23 | 11:38 | 11:53 | 12:08 | 12:23 | 12:38 | 12:53 | 13:08 | 13:23 | 13:38 | 13:53 | 14:08 | 14:23 | 14:38 | 14:53 | 15:10 | 15:25 | 15:40 | 15:55 | 20:08 | 20:23 | 20:38 | 20:53 | 21:08 | 22:02 |
青山公路-潭尾段, 近雅麗花園 Castle Peak Road - Tam Mi, Near Elite Garden | 06:09 | 06:19 | 06:29 | 06:39 | 06:49 | 06:59 | 07:12 | 07:22 | 07:32 | 07:42 | 07:52 | 08:02 | 08:12 | 08:22 | 08:32 | 08:42 | 08:52 | 09:02 | 09:12 | 09:22 | 09:32 | 09:42 | 09:54 | 10:05 | 10:16 | 10:28 | 10:40 | 10:55 | 11:10 | 11:25 | 11:40 | 11:55 | 12:10 | 12:25 | 12:40 | 12:55 | 13:10 | 13:25 | 13:40 | 13:55 | 14:10 | 14:25 | 14:40 | 14:55 | 15:12 | 15:27 | 15:42 | 15:57 | 20:09 | 20:24 | 20:39 | 20:54 | 21:09 | 22:04 |
青山公路-潭尾段, 近金翠軒 Castle Peak Road - Tam Mi, Near 金翠軒 | 06:11 | 06:21 | 06:31 | 06:41 | 06:51 | 07:01 | 07:14 | 07:24 | 07:34 | 07:44 | 07:54 | 08:04 | 08:14 | 08:24 | 08:34 | 08:44 | 08:54 | 09:04 | 09:14 | 09:24 | 09:34 | 09:44 | 09:56 | 10:07 | 10:18 | 10:30 | 10:42 | 10:57 | 11:12 | 11:27 | 11:42 | 11:57 | 12:12 | 12:27 | 12:42 | 12:57 | 13:12 | 13:27 | 13:42 | 13:57 | 14:12 | 14:27 | 14:42 | 14:57 | 15:14 | 15:29 | 15:44 | 15:59 | 20:11 | 20:26 | 20:41 | 20:56 | 21:11 | 22:05 |
青山公路-潭尾段, 近冠珍興記醬園有限公司 Castle Peak Road - Tam Mi, Near Koon Chun Hing Kee Soy & Sauce Factory Ltd. | 06:13 | 06:23 | 06:33 | 06:43 | 06:53 | 07:03 | 07:17 | 07:27 | 07:37 | 07:47 | 07:57 | 08:07 | 08:17 | 08:27 | 08:37 | 08:47 | 08:57 | 09:07 | 09:17 | 09:27 | 09:37 | 09:47 | 09:59 | 10:09 | 10:20 | 10:32 | 10:44 | 10:59 | 11:14 | 11:29 | 11:44 | 11:59 | 12:14 | 12:29 | 12:44 | 12:59 | 13:14 | 13:29 | 13:44 | 13:59 | 14:14 | 14:29 | 14:44 | 14:59 | 15:17 | 15:32 | 15:47 | 16:02 | 20:13 | 20:28 | 20:43 | 20:58 | 21:13 | 22:07 |
青山公路-潭尾段, 近Park Yoho Castle Peak Road - Tam Mi, Near Park Yoho | 06:16 | 06:26 | 06:36 | 06:46 | 06:56 | 07:08 | 07:21 | 07:31 | 07:41 | 07:51 | 08:01 | 08:11 | 08:21 | 08:31 | 08:41 | 08:51 | 09:01 | 09:11 | 09:21 | 09:31 | 09:41 | 09:51 | 10:03 | 10:12 | 10:23 | 10:35 | 10:47 | 11:02 | 11:17 | 11:32 | 11:47 | 12:02 | 12:17 | 12:32 | 12:47 | 13:02 | 13:17 | 13:32 | 13:47 | 14:02 | 14:17 | 14:32 | 14:47 | 15:02 | 15:21 | 15:36 | 15:51 | 16:06 | 20:16 | 20:31 | 20:46 | 21:01 | 21:16 | 22:10 |
青山公路-潭尾段, 近山水盈 Castle Peak Road - Tam Mi, Near Crescent Green | 06:19 | 06:29 | 06:39 | 06:49 | 06:59 | 07:11 | 07:24 | 07:34 | 07:44 | 07:54 | 08:04 | 08:14 | 08:24 | 08:34 | 08:44 | 08:54 | 09:04 | 09:14 | 09:24 | 09:34 | 09:44 | 09:54 | 10:06 | 10:15 | 10:26 | 10:38 | 10:50 | 11:05 | 11:20 | 11:35 | 11:50 | 12:05 | 12:20 | 12:35 | 12:50 | 13:05 | 13:20 | 13:35 | 13:50 | 14:05 | 14:20 | 14:35 | 14:50 | 15:06 | 15:24 | 15:39 | 15:54 | 16:09 | 20:19 | 20:34 | 20:49 | 21:04 | 21:19 | 22:13 |
青山公路, 近楊屋村 Castle Peak Road, Near Yeung Uk Tsuen | 06:22 | 06:32 | 06:42 | 06:52 | 07:02 | 07:16 | 07:29 | 07:39 | 07:49 | 07:59 | 08:09 | 08:19 | 08:29 | 08:39 | 08:49 | 08:59 | 09:09 | 09:19 | 09:29 | 09:39 | 09:49 | 09:59 | 10:10 | 10:19 | 10:30 | 10:42 | 10:54 | 11:09 | 11:24 | 11:39 | 11:54 | 12:09 | 12:24 | 12:39 | 12:54 | 13:09 | 13:24 | 13:39 | 13:54 | 14:09 | 14:24 | 14:39 | 14:54 | 15:11 | 15:29 | 15:44 | 15:59 | 16:14 | 20:22 | 20:37 | 20:52 | 21:07 | 21:22 | 22:16 |
青山公路元朗段, 近 Yoho Midtown Castle Peak Road-Yuen Long, Near Yoho Midtown | 06:26 | 06:36 | 06:46 | 06:56 | 07:07 | 07:21 | 07:34 | 07:44 | 07:54 | 08:04 | 08:14 | 08:24 | 08:34 | 08:44 | 08:54 | 09:04 | 09:14 | 09:24 | 09:34 | 09:44 | 09:54 | 10:04 | 10:14 | 10:24 | 10:34 | 10:46 | 10:58 | 11:13 | 11:28 | 11:43 | 11:58 | 12:13 | 12:28 | 12:43 | 12:58 | 13:13 | 13:28 | 13:43 | 13:58 | 14:13 | 14:28 | 14:43 | 14:58 | 15:16 | 15:34 | 15:49 | 16:04 | 16:19 | 20:26 | 20:41 | 20:56 | 21:11 | 21:26 | 22:20 |
青山公路, 又新街 Castle Peak Road, Yau San Street | 06:28 | 06:38 | 06:48 | 06:58 | 07:10 | 07:23 | 07:36 | 07:46 | 07:56 | 08:06 | 08:16 | 08:26 | 08:36 | 08:46 | 08:56 | 09:06 | 09:16 | 09:26 | 09:36 | 09:46 | 09:56 | 10:06 | 10:16 | 10:25 | 10:36 | 10:48 | 11:00 | 11:15 | 11:30 | 11:45 | 12:00 | 12:15 | 12:30 | 12:45 | 13:00 | 13:15 | 13:30 | 13:45 | 14:00 | 14:15 | 14:30 | 14:45 | 15:00 | 15:18 | 15:36 | 15:51 | 16:06 | 16:21 | 20:28 | 20:43 | 20:58 | 21:13 | 21:28 | 22:21 |
青山公路元朗段, 大棠路 Castle Peak Road-Yuen Long, Tai Tong Road (Outside House No. 110 | 06:29 | 06:39 | 06:49 | 06:59 | 07:11 | 07:25 | 07:38 | 07:48 | 07:58 | 08:08 | 08:18 | 08:28 | 08:38 | 08:48 | 08:58 | 09:08 | 09:18 | 09:28 | 09:38 | 09:48 | 09:58 | 10:07 | 10:17 | 10:27 | 10:38 | 10:50 | 11:02 | 11:17 | 11:32 | 11:47 | 12:02 | 12:17 | 12:32 | 12:47 | 13:02 | 13:17 | 13:32 | 13:47 | 14:02 | 14:17 | 14:32 | 14:47 | 15:02 | 15:19 | 15:38 | 15:53 | 16:08 | 16:23 | 20:29 | 20:44 | 20:59 | 21:14 | 21:29 | 22:22 |
擊壤路, 近擊壤路五人足球場 Kik Yeung Road, Near Kik Yueng Road 5-A-Side Football Pitch | 06:31 | 06:41 | 06:51 | 07:01 | 07:14 | 07:27 | 07:41 | 07:51 | 08:01 | 08:11 | 08:21 | 08:31 | 08:41 | 08:51 | 09:01 | 09:11 | 09:21 | 09:31 | 09:41 | 09:51 | 10:01 | 10:10 | 10:19 | 10:29 | 10:40 | 10:52 | 11:04 | 11:19 | 11:34 | 11:49 | 12:04 | 12:19 | 12:34 | 12:49 | 13:04 | 13:19 | 13:34 | 13:49 | 14:04 | 14:19 | 14:34 | 14:49 | 15:05 | 15:22 | 15:41 | 15:56 | 16:11 | 16:26 | 20:31 | 20:46 | 21:01 | 21:16 | 21:31 | 22:24 |
元朗安寧路, 近大橋 Yuen Long on Ning Road, Near Tai Kiu | 06:32 | 06:42 | 06:52 | 07:02 | 07:15 | 07:29 | 07:42 | 07:52 | 08:02 | 08:12 | 08:22 | 08:32 | 08:42 | 08:52 | 09:02 | 09:12 | 09:22 | 09:32 | 09:42 | 09:52 | 10:02 | 10:11 | 10:20 | 10:30 | 10:41 | 10:53 | 11:05 | 11:20 | 11:35 | 11:50 | 12:05 | 12:20 | 12:35 | 12:50 | 13:05 | 13:20 | 13:35 | 13:50 | 14:05 | 14:20 | 14:35 | 14:50 | 15:06 | 15:23 | 15:42 | 15:57 | 16:12 | 16:27 | 20:32 | 20:47 | 21:02 | 21:17 | 21:32 | 22:25 |
福康街, 近金寶樓 Fook Hong Street, Near Kam Bo Building | 06:33 | 06:43 | 06:53 | 07:04 | 07:17 | 07:30 | 07:43 | 07:53 | 08:03 | 08:13 | 08:23 | 08:33 | 08:43 | 08:53 | 09:03 | 09:13 | 09:23 | 09:33 | 09:43 | 09:53 | 10:03 | 10:12 | 10:22 | 10:31 | 10:42 | 10:54 | 11:06 | 11:21 | 11:36 | 11:51 | 12:06 | 12:21 | 12:36 | 12:51 | 13:06 | 13:21 | 13:36 | 13:51 | 14:06 | 14:21 | 14:36 | 14:51 | 15:07 | 15:25 | 15:43 | 15:58 | 16:13 | 16:28 | 20:33 | 20:48 | 21:03 | 21:18 | 21:33 | 22:26 |
新界區專線小巴 GMB New Territories bus schedule - 36 (福康街, 近金寶樓 Fook Hong Street, Near Kam Bo Building)
The 新界區專線小巴 GMB New Territories bus schedule for the 36 route, 福康街, 近金寶樓 Fook Hong Street, Near Kam Bo Building, provides commuters with a reliable timetable. The schedule is for the trip plan from 大生圍村公所小巴總站 Tai Sang Wai Village Office Minibus Terminus station to 福康街, 近金寶樓 Fook Hong Street, Near Kam Bo Building station, however the schedule may be updated due to different reasons.
You can access an online real-time schedule or view a printable version of the bus schedule. Plan your journey according to the schedule for today, tomorrow, weekdays, or the weekend with our reliable and up-to-date 新界區專線小巴 GMB New Territories schedule.