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448 - Arden Skole Schedule

Weekdays Schedule

StationDeparture #1
Astrup (Mariagerfjord Kommune)06:57
Egernvej (Terndrupvej / Mariagerfjord Komm.)07:01
Tisted (Mariagerfjord Kommune)07:04
Bønfeldvej (Søndermarksvej / Mariagerfjord Komm.)07:07
Fuglegårdsvej (Hadsundvej / Mariagerfjord Komm)07:13
Astrup Specielskole (Mariagerfjord Komm.)07:16
Villestrup (Ardenvej / Mariagerfjord Kommune)07:19
Møldrup (Birkholmvej / Mariagerfjord Komm.)07:22
Egelundsvej (Storemosevej /Mariagerfjord Komm)07:27
Egebakkevej (Mariagerfjod Kommune)07:35
Lille Arden (Lilleardenvej /Mariagerfjord Komm.)07:38
Arden Skole / Hal (Hvarrevej/ Arden)07:46

NT Bus schedule - 448 (Arden Skole)

The NT Bus schedule for the 448 route, Arden Skole, provides commuters with a reliable timetable. The schedule is for the trip plan from Astrup (Mariagerfjord Kommune) station to Arden Skole / Hal (Hvarrevej/ Arden) station, however the schedule may be updated due to different reasons.

You can access an online real-time schedule or view a printable version of the Bus schedule. Plan your journey according to the schedule for today, tomorrow, weekdays, or the weekend with our reliable and up-to-date NT schedule.

448 Alternative Directions Schedules

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