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458 - Genk Station Perron 12 Schedule

Weekdays Schedule

StationDeparture #1
Lanaken Tournebride07:16
Smeermaas Maaseikersteenweg07:18
Smeermaas Veugenlaan07:19
Smeermaas Jeugdpark07:21
Smeermaas Kruispunt07:21
Smeermaas Nijverheidslaan07:22
Lanaken Cultureel Centrum07:25
Lanaken Gemeentehuis07:26
Lanaken Atheneum Alicebourg07:27
Lanaken Wijngaardstraat07:29
Lanaken Kapel07:30
Lanaken Eikelenweg07:32
Lanaken Pyxiscollege Bessemerstraat07:34
Lanaken Instituut Sint-Barbara07:37
Lanaken Oud Kantoorstraat07:39
Zutendaal Bessemer07:41
Zutendaal Trichterweg07:43
Zutendaal Halmstraat07:46
Zutendaal Eikenstraat07:47
Zutendaal Ossebergstraat07:49
Zutendaal Kerk07:51
Zutendaal Hoogstraat07:53
Zutendaal Kempenseweg07:54
Zutendaal Schepersstraat07:57
Wiemesmeer Kerk07:59
Genk Wijerdriesstraat08:01
Waterschei Oudasserstraat08:03
Waterschei Bascule08:05
Waterschei Waterbleekstraat08:07
Genk Mispelaarstraat08:08
Genk Campus Bret08:11
Genk Sint-Lodewijkstraat08:11
Genk Koninklijk Atheneum08:13
Genk Fransebosstraat08:14
Genk J. Habexlaan08:15
Genk Reinpadstraat08:16
Genk Station Perron 1308:17

De Lijn Bus schedule - 458 (Genk Station Perron 12)

The De Lijn Bus schedule for the 458 route, Genk Station Perron 12, provides commuters with a reliable timetable. The schedule is for the trip plan from Lanaken Tournebride station to Genk Station Perron 13 station, however the schedule may be updated due to different reasons.

You can access an online real-time schedule or view a printable version of the Bus schedule. Plan your journey according to the schedule for today, tomorrow, weekdays, or the weekend with our reliable and up-to-date De Lijn schedule.

458 Alternative Directions Schedules

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