L01 RIO BRANCO / PRAÇA 19 (VIA TAMANDARÉ / LAMENHA) - Praça 19 → Rio Branco Do Sul Schedule
Saturday Schedule
Station | Departure #1 | Departure #2 | Departure #3 | Departure #4 | Departure #5 | Departure #6 | Departure #7 | Departure #8 | Departure #9 | Departure #10 | Departure #11 | Departure #12 | Departure #13 | Departure #14 | Departure #15 | Departure #16 | Departure #17 | Departure #18 | Departure #19 | Departure #20 |
Praça 19 De Dezembro | 06:35 | 07:22 | 08:10 | 08:57 | 10:28 | 11:20 | 12:10 | 12:55 | 13:42 | 14:30 | 15:17 | 16:05 | 16:52 | 17:40 | 18:40 | 19:55 | 20:58 | 22:03 | 23:10 | 23:59 |
R. Mateus Leme, 700 | 06:36 | 07:23 | 08:11 | 08:58 | 10:29 | 11:21 | 12:11 | 12:56 | 13:43 | 14:31 | 15:18 | 16:06 | 16:53 | 17:41 | 18:41 | 19:56 | 20:59 | 22:04 | 23:11 | 00:00 |
R. Mateus Leme, 1100 | 06:37 | 07:24 | 08:12 | 08:59 | 10:30 | 11:22 | 12:12 | 12:57 | 13:44 | 14:32 | 15:19 | 16:07 | 16:54 | 17:42 | 18:42 | 19:57 | 21:00 | 22:05 | 23:12 | 00:01 |
R. Mateus Leme, 1365 - Serviço Distrital Do Taboão | 06:38 | 07:25 | 08:13 | 09:00 | 10:31 | 11:23 | 12:13 | 12:58 | 13:45 | 14:33 | 15:20 | 16:08 | 16:55 | 17:43 | 18:43 | 19:58 | 21:01 | 22:06 | 23:13 | 00:02 |
R. Mateus Leme, 1600 | 06:39 | 07:26 | 08:14 | 09:01 | 10:32 | 11:24 | 12:14 | 12:59 | 13:46 | 14:34 | 15:21 | 16:09 | 16:56 | 17:44 | 18:44 | 19:59 | 21:02 | 22:07 | 23:14 | 00:03 |
R. Mateus Leme, 1772 | 06:39 | 07:26 | 08:14 | 09:01 | 10:32 | 11:24 | 12:14 | 12:59 | 13:46 | 14:34 | 15:21 | 16:09 | 16:56 | 17:44 | 18:44 | 19:59 | 21:02 | 22:07 | 23:14 | 00:03 |
R. Mateus Leme, 2200 | 06:40 | 07:27 | 08:15 | 09:02 | 10:33 | 11:25 | 12:15 | 13:00 | 13:47 | 14:35 | 15:22 | 16:10 | 16:57 | 17:45 | 18:45 | 20:00 | 21:03 | 22:08 | 23:15 | 00:04 |
R. Mateus Leme, 2523 - Hospital Ônix Mateus Leme | 06:41 | 07:28 | 08:16 | 09:03 | 10:34 | 11:26 | 12:16 | 13:01 | 13:48 | 14:36 | 15:23 | 16:11 | 16:58 | 17:46 | 18:46 | 20:01 | 21:04 | 22:09 | 23:16 | 00:05 |
R. Mateus Leme, 2800 | 06:42 | 07:29 | 08:17 | 09:04 | 10:35 | 11:27 | 12:17 | 13:02 | 13:49 | 14:37 | 15:24 | 16:12 | 16:59 | 17:47 | 18:47 | 20:02 | 21:05 | 22:10 | 23:17 | 00:06 |
R. Mateus Leme, 3000 | 06:42 | 07:29 | 08:17 | 09:04 | 10:35 | 11:27 | 12:17 | 13:02 | 13:50 | 14:38 | 15:25 | 16:13 | 17:00 | 17:48 | 18:48 | 20:03 | 21:06 | 22:11 | 23:18 | 00:07 |
R. Mateus Leme, 3300 | 06:43 | 07:30 | 08:18 | 09:05 | 10:36 | 11:28 | 12:18 | 13:03 | 13:50 | 14:38 | 15:25 | 16:13 | 17:00 | 17:48 | 18:48 | 20:03 | 21:06 | 22:11 | 23:18 | 00:07 |
R. Mateus Leme, 3600 | 06:44 | 07:31 | 08:19 | 09:06 | 10:37 | 11:29 | 12:19 | 13:04 | 13:51 | 14:39 | 15:26 | 16:14 | 17:01 | 17:49 | 18:49 | 20:04 | 21:07 | 22:12 | 23:19 | 00:08 |
R. Mateus Leme, 3900 | 06:45 | 07:32 | 08:20 | 09:07 | 10:38 | 11:30 | 12:20 | 13:05 | 13:52 | 14:40 | 15:27 | 16:15 | 17:02 | 17:50 | 18:50 | 20:05 | 21:08 | 22:13 | 23:20 | 00:09 |
R. Mateus Leme, 4300 | 06:46 | 07:33 | 08:21 | 09:08 | 10:39 | 11:31 | 12:21 | 13:06 | 13:53 | 14:41 | 15:28 | 16:16 | 17:03 | 17:51 | 18:51 | 20:06 | 21:09 | 22:14 | 23:21 | 00:10 |
Parque São Lourenço (R. Mateus Leme, 4557) | 06:46 | 07:33 | 08:21 | 09:08 | 10:39 | 11:31 | 12:21 | 13:06 | 13:53 | 14:41 | 15:28 | 16:16 | 17:03 | 17:51 | 18:51 | 20:06 | 21:09 | 22:14 | 23:21 | 00:10 |
R. João Gava, 222 | 06:47 | 07:34 | 08:22 | 09:09 | 10:40 | 11:32 | 12:22 | 13:07 | 13:54 | 14:42 | 15:29 | 16:17 | 17:04 | 17:52 | 18:52 | 20:07 | 21:10 | 22:15 | 23:22 | 00:11 |
R. João Gava, 664 | 06:48 | 07:35 | 08:23 | 09:10 | 10:41 | 11:33 | 12:23 | 13:08 | 13:55 | 14:43 | 15:30 | 16:18 | 17:05 | 17:53 | 18:53 | 20:08 | 21:11 | 22:16 | 23:23 | 00:12 |
Ópera De Arame (Parque Das Pedreiras) | 06:49 | 07:36 | 08:24 | 09:11 | 10:42 | 11:34 | 12:24 | 13:09 | 13:56 | 14:44 | 15:31 | 16:19 | 17:06 | 17:54 | 18:54 | 20:09 | 21:12 | 22:17 | 23:24 | 00:13 |
R. Eugênio Flôr, 21 | 06:50 | 07:37 | 08:25 | 09:12 | 10:43 | 11:35 | 12:25 | 13:10 | 13:57 | 14:45 | 15:32 | 16:20 | 17:07 | 17:55 | 18:55 | 20:10 | 21:13 | 22:18 | 23:25 | 00:14 |
R. Eugênio Flôr, 372 | 06:51 | 07:38 | 08:26 | 09:13 | 10:44 | 11:36 | 12:26 | 13:11 | 13:58 | 14:46 | 15:33 | 16:21 | 17:08 | 17:56 | 18:56 | 20:11 | 21:14 | 22:19 | 23:26 | 00:15 |
Rua Desembargador José Carlos Ribeiro Ribas | 06:51 | 07:38 | 08:26 | 09:13 | 10:44 | 11:36 | 12:26 | 13:11 | 13:59 | 14:47 | 15:34 | 16:22 | 17:09 | 17:57 | 18:57 | 20:12 | 21:15 | 22:20 | 23:27 | 00:16 |
Rua Desembargador José Carlos Ribeiro Ribas, 964-1006 | 06:52 | 07:39 | 08:27 | 09:14 | 10:45 | 11:37 | 12:27 | 13:12 | 13:59 | 14:47 | 15:34 | 16:22 | 17:09 | 17:57 | 18:57 | 20:12 | 21:15 | 22:20 | 23:27 | 00:16 |
Rua Maria De Lourdes Mickosz, 121-173 | 06:53 | 07:40 | 08:28 | 09:15 | 10:46 | 11:38 | 12:28 | 13:13 | 14:00 | 14:48 | 15:35 | 16:23 | 17:10 | 17:58 | 18:58 | 20:13 | 21:16 | 22:21 | 23:28 | 00:17 |
Rua Maria De Lourdes Mickosz, 508 | 06:54 | 07:41 | 08:29 | 09:16 | 10:47 | 11:39 | 12:29 | 13:14 | 14:01 | 14:49 | 15:36 | 16:24 | 17:11 | 17:59 | 18:59 | 20:14 | 21:17 | 22:22 | 23:29 | 00:18 |
Rua Clotário De Macedo Portugal Filho, 70 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 14:01 | 14:49 | 15:36 | 16:24 | 17:11 | 17:59 | 18:59 | 20:14 | 21:17 | 22:22 | 23:29 | 00:18 |
Rua Prodócimo Lago, 1086 | 06:55 | 07:42 | 08:30 | 09:17 | 10:48 | 11:40 | 12:30 | 13:15 | 14:02 | 14:50 | 15:37 | 16:25 | 17:12 | 18:00 | 19:00 | 20:15 | 21:18 | 22:23 | 23:30 | 00:19 |
Rua Prodócimo Lago, 1342 | 06:55 | 07:42 | 08:30 | 09:17 | 10:48 | 11:40 | 12:30 | 13:15 | 14:03 | 14:51 | 15:38 | 16:26 | 17:13 | 18:01 | 19:01 | 20:16 | 21:19 | 22:24 | 23:31 | 00:20 |
Rua Vereador Wadislau Bugalski 7622 | 06:56 | 07:43 | 08:31 | 09:18 | 10:49 | 11:41 | 12:31 | 13:16 | 14:04 | 14:52 | 15:39 | 16:27 | 17:14 | 18:02 | 19:02 | 20:17 | 21:20 | 22:25 | 23:32 | 00:21 |
Rua Vereador Wadislau Bugalski, 7539 | 06:57 | 07:44 | 08:32 | 09:19 | 10:50 | 11:42 | 12:32 | 13:17 | 14:04 | 14:52 | 15:39 | 16:27 | 17:14 | 18:02 | 19:02 | 20:17 | 21:20 | 22:25 | 23:32 | 00:21 |
Rua Vereador Wadislau Bugalski, 7181b | 06:58 | 07:45 | 08:33 | 09:20 | 10:51 | 11:43 | 12:33 | 13:18 | 14:05 | 14:53 | 15:40 | 16:28 | 17:15 | 18:03 | 19:03 | 20:18 | 21:21 | 22:26 | 23:33 | 00:22 |
Rua Vereador Wadislau Bugalski, 6457 | 06:58 | 07:45 | 08:33 | 09:20 | 10:51 | 11:43 | 12:33 | 13:18 | 14:05 | 14:53 | 15:40 | 16:28 | 17:15 | 18:03 | 19:03 | 20:18 | 21:21 | 22:26 | 23:33 | 00:22 |
Rua Vereador Wadislau Bugalski, 6339-6359 | 06:59 | 07:46 | 08:34 | 09:21 | 10:52 | 11:44 | 12:34 | 13:19 | 14:07 | 14:55 | 15:42 | 16:30 | 17:17 | 18:05 | 19:05 | 20:20 | 21:23 | 22:28 | 23:35 | 00:24 |
Rua Ver Wadislau Bugalsk, 5928 - Kabel | 07:01 | 07:48 | 08:36 | 09:23 | 10:54 | 11:46 | 12:36 | 13:21 | 14:08 | 14:56 | 15:43 | 16:31 | 17:18 | 18:06 | 19:06 | 20:21 | 21:24 | 22:29 | 23:36 | 00:25 |
Rua Ver Wadislau Bugalsk, 148 | 07:01 | 07:48 | 08:36 | 09:23 | 10:54 | 11:46 | 12:36 | 13:21 | 14:09 | 14:57 | 15:44 | 16:32 | 17:19 | 18:07 | 19:07 | 20:22 | 21:25 | 22:30 | 23:37 | 00:26 |
Rua Ver Wadislau Bugalsk, 5308 | 07:02 | 07:49 | 08:37 | 09:24 | 10:55 | 11:47 | 12:37 | 13:22 | 14:09 | 14:57 | 15:44 | 16:32 | 17:19 | 18:07 | 19:07 | 20:22 | 21:25 | 22:30 | 23:37 | 00:26 |
Rua Vereador Wadislau Bugalski, 4885 | 07:03 | 07:50 | 08:38 | 09:25 | 10:56 | 11:48 | 12:38 | 13:23 | 14:11 | 14:59 | 15:46 | 16:34 | 17:21 | 18:09 | 19:09 | 20:24 | 21:27 | 22:32 | 23:39 | 00:28 |
Rua Vereador Wadislau Bugalski, 4707-4723 | 07:04 | 07:51 | 08:39 | 09:26 | 10:57 | 11:49 | 12:39 | 13:24 | 14:11 | 14:59 | 15:46 | 16:34 | 17:21 | 18:09 | 19:09 | 20:24 | 21:27 | 22:32 | 23:39 | 00:28 |
Rua Vereador Wadislau Bugalski, 4433 | 07:05 | 07:52 | 08:40 | 09:27 | 10:58 | 11:50 | 12:40 | 13:25 | 14:12 | 15:00 | 15:47 | 16:35 | 17:22 | 18:10 | 19:10 | 20:25 | 21:28 | 22:33 | 23:40 | 00:29 |
Rua Vereador Wadislau Bugalski, 4173-4185 | 07:06 | 07:53 | 08:41 | 09:28 | 10:59 | 11:51 | 12:41 | 13:26 | 14:13 | 15:01 | 15:48 | 16:36 | 17:23 | 18:11 | 19:11 | 20:26 | 21:29 | 22:34 | 23:41 | 00:30 |
Rua Vereador Wadislau Bugalski, 3979-4029 | 07:06 | 07:53 | 08:41 | 09:28 | 10:59 | 11:51 | 12:41 | 13:26 | 14:13 | 15:01 | 15:48 | 16:36 | 17:23 | 18:11 | 19:11 | 20:26 | 21:29 | 22:34 | 23:41 | 00:30 |
Rua Vereador Wadislau Bugalski, 3647-3651 | 07:07 | 07:54 | 08:42 | 09:29 | 11:00 | 11:52 | 12:42 | 13:27 | 14:14 | 15:02 | 15:49 | 16:37 | 17:24 | 18:12 | 19:12 | 20:27 | 21:30 | 22:35 | 23:42 | 00:31 |
Rua Vereador Wadislau Bugalski, 3103 | 07:08 | 07:55 | 08:43 | 09:30 | 11:01 | 11:53 | 12:43 | 13:28 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Rua Vereador Wadislau Bugalski, 2826-3160 | 07:09 | 07:56 | 08:44 | 09:31 | 11:02 | 11:54 | 12:44 | 13:29 | 14:16 | 15:04 | 15:51 | 16:39 | 17:26 | 18:14 | 19:14 | 20:29 | 21:32 | 22:37 | 23:44 | 00:33 |
Rua Vereador Wadislau Bugalski, 2603-2633 | 07:09 | 07:56 | 08:44 | 09:31 | 11:02 | 11:54 | 12:44 | 13:29 | 14:16 | 15:04 | 15:51 | 16:39 | 17:26 | 18:14 | 19:14 | 20:29 | 21:32 | 22:37 | 23:44 | 00:33 |
Rua Vereador Wadislau Bugalski, 2373 | 07:10 | 07:57 | 08:45 | 09:32 | 11:03 | 11:55 | 12:45 | 13:30 | 14:17 | 15:05 | 15:52 | 16:40 | 17:27 | 18:15 | 19:15 | 20:30 | 21:33 | 22:38 | 23:45 | 00:34 |
Rua Vereador Wadislau Bugalski, 1891-1929 | 07:11 | 07:58 | 08:46 | 09:33 | 11:04 | 11:56 | 12:46 | 13:31 | 14:18 | 15:06 | 15:53 | 16:41 | 17:28 | 18:16 | 19:16 | 20:31 | 21:34 | 22:39 | 23:46 | 00:35 |
Rua Vereador Wadislau Bugalski | 07:12 | 07:59 | 08:47 | 09:34 | 11:05 | 11:57 | 12:47 | 13:32 | 14:19 | 15:07 | 15:54 | 16:42 | 17:29 | 18:17 | 19:17 | 20:32 | 21:35 | 22:40 | 23:47 | 00:36 |
Rua Vereador Wadislau Bugalski | 07:13 | 08:00 | 08:48 | 09:35 | 11:06 | 11:58 | 12:48 | 13:33 | 14:20 | 15:08 | 15:55 | 16:43 | 17:30 | 18:18 | 19:18 | 20:33 | 21:36 | 22:41 | 23:48 | 00:37 |
Rua Vereador Wadislau Bugalski | 07:14 | 08:01 | 08:49 | 09:36 | 11:07 | 11:59 | 12:49 | 13:34 | 14:21 | 15:09 | 15:56 | 16:44 | 17:31 | 18:19 | 19:19 | 20:34 | 21:37 | 22:42 | 23:49 | 00:38 |
Rua Vereador Wadislau Bugalski | 07:15 | 08:02 | 08:50 | 09:37 | 11:08 | 12:00 | 12:50 | 13:35 | 14:22 | 15:10 | 15:57 | 16:45 | 17:32 | 18:20 | 19:20 | 20:35 | 21:38 | 22:43 | 23:50 | 00:39 |
R. Ver. Wadislau Bugalski, 208 | 07:16 | 08:03 | 08:51 | 09:38 | 11:09 | 12:01 | 12:51 | 13:36 | 14:23 | 15:11 | 15:58 | 16:46 | 17:33 | 18:21 | 19:21 | 20:36 | 21:39 | 22:44 | 23:51 | 00:40 |
Rua Rachel Cândido De Siqueira, 144-180 | 07:17 | 08:04 | 08:52 | 09:39 | 11:10 | 12:02 | 12:52 | 13:37 | 14:24 | 15:12 | 15:59 | 16:47 | 17:34 | 18:22 | 19:22 | 20:37 | 21:40 | 22:45 | 23:52 | 00:41 |
Rua Rachel Cândido De Siqueira, 356 | 07:17 | 08:04 | 08:52 | 09:39 | 11:10 | 12:02 | 12:52 | 13:37 | 14:24 | 15:12 | 15:59 | 16:47 | 17:34 | 18:22 | 19:22 | 20:37 | 21:40 | 22:45 | 23:52 | 00:41 |
Rua Rachel Cândido De Siqueira, 424-456 | 07:18 | 08:05 | 08:53 | 09:40 | 11:11 | 12:03 | 12:53 | 13:38 | 14:25 | 15:13 | 16:00 | 16:48 | 17:35 | 18:23 | 19:23 | 20:38 | 21:41 | 22:46 | 23:53 | 00:42 |
Terminal Metropolitano Tamandaré | 07:25 | 08:12 | 09:00 | 09:47 | 11:18 | 12:10 | 13:00 | 13:45 | 14:32 | 15:20 | 16:07 | 16:55 | 17:42 | 18:30 | 19:30 | 20:45 | 21:48 | 22:53 | 00:00 | 00:49 |
Rua Rachel Cândido De Siqueira, 585-679 | 07:25 | 08:12 | 09:00 | 09:47 | 11:18 | 12:10 | 13:00 | 13:45 | 14:32 | 15:20 | 16:07 | 16:55 | 17:42 | 18:30 | 19:30 | 20:45 | 21:48 | 22:53 | 00:00 | 00:49 |
Rua Rachel Cândido De Siqueira, 313-367 | 07:26 | 08:13 | 09:01 | 09:48 | 11:19 | 12:11 | 13:01 | 13:46 | 14:33 | 15:21 | 16:08 | 16:56 | 17:43 | 18:31 | 19:31 | 20:46 | 21:49 | 22:54 | 00:01 | 00:50 |
Rua Rachel Cândido De Siqueira, 167 | 07:26 | 08:13 | 09:01 | 09:48 | 11:19 | 12:11 | 13:01 | 13:46 | 14:33 | 15:21 | 16:08 | 16:56 | 17:43 | 18:31 | 19:31 | 20:46 | 21:49 | 22:54 | 00:01 | 00:50 |
Rodovia Dos Minérios (Pr 092) - Jocum | 07:27 | 08:14 | 09:02 | 09:49 | 11:20 | 12:12 | 13:02 | 13:47 | 14:34 | 15:22 | 16:09 | 16:57 | 17:44 | 18:32 | 19:32 | 20:47 | 21:50 | 22:55 | 00:02 | 00:51 |
Rodovia Dos Minérios (Pr 092) - Platistam | 07:28 | 08:15 | 09:03 | 09:50 | 11:21 | 12:13 | 13:03 | 13:48 | 14:35 | 15:23 | 16:10 | 16:58 | 17:45 | 18:33 | 19:33 | 20:48 | 21:51 | 22:56 | 00:03 | 00:52 |
Rodovia Dos Minérios (Pr 092) - Calplan | 07:29 | 08:16 | 09:04 | 09:51 | 11:22 | 12:14 | 13:04 | 13:49 | 14:36 | 15:24 | 16:11 | 16:59 | 17:46 | 18:34 | 19:34 | 20:49 | 21:52 | 22:57 | 00:04 | 00:53 |
Rodovia Dos Minérios (Pr 092) - Marcenaria Camargo | 07:30 | 08:17 | 09:05 | 09:52 | 11:23 | 12:15 | 13:05 | 13:50 | 14:37 | 15:25 | 16:12 | 17:00 | 17:47 | 18:35 | 19:35 | 20:50 | 21:53 | 22:58 | 00:05 | 00:54 |
Rodovia Dos Minérios (Pr 092) - Mercado Domakoski | 07:31 | 08:18 | 09:06 | 09:53 | 11:24 | 12:16 | 13:06 | 13:51 | 14:38 | 15:26 | 16:13 | 17:01 | 17:48 | 18:36 | 19:36 | 20:51 | 21:54 | 22:59 | 00:06 | 00:55 |
Rodovia Dos Minérios (Pr 092) - Natação Busato | 07:32 | 08:19 | 09:07 | 09:54 | 11:25 | 12:17 | 13:07 | 13:52 | 14:38 | 15:26 | 16:13 | 17:01 | 17:48 | 18:36 | 19:36 | 20:51 | 21:54 | 22:59 | 00:06 | 00:55 |
Rodovia Dos Minérios (Pr 092) - Metalúrgica Mp | 07:33 | 08:20 | 09:08 | 09:55 | 11:26 | 12:18 | 13:08 | 13:53 | 14:39 | 15:27 | 16:14 | 17:02 | 17:49 | 18:37 | 19:37 | 20:52 | 21:55 | 23:00 | 00:07 | 00:56 |
Rodovia Dos Minérios (Pr 092) - Entrada Morro Azul | 07:37 | 08:24 | 09:12 | 09:59 | 11:30 | 12:22 | 13:12 | 13:57 | 14:43 | 15:31 | 16:18 | 17:06 | 17:53 | 18:41 | 19:41 | 20:56 | 21:59 | 23:04 | 00:11 | 01:00 |
Rodovia Dos Minérios (Pr 092) - Linha Férrea | 07:37 | 08:24 | 09:12 | 09:59 | 11:30 | 12:22 | 13:12 | 13:57 | 14:43 | 15:31 | 16:18 | 17:06 | 17:53 | 18:41 | 19:41 | 20:56 | 21:59 | 23:04 | 00:11 | 01:00 |
Rodovia Dos Minérios (Pr 092) - Tranqueira (Igreja Matriz) | 07:39 | 08:26 | 09:14 | 10:01 | 11:32 | 12:24 | 13:14 | 13:59 | 14:45 | 15:33 | 16:20 | 17:08 | 17:55 | 18:43 | 19:43 | 20:58 | 22:01 | 23:06 | 00:13 | 01:02 |
Rodovia Dos Minérios (Pr 092) - Tranqueira (Água Timbu) | 07:40 | 08:27 | 09:15 | 10:02 | 11:33 | 12:25 | 13:15 | 14:00 | 14:46 | 15:34 | 16:21 | 17:09 | 17:56 | 18:44 | 19:44 | 20:59 | 22:02 | 23:07 | 00:14 | 01:03 |
Rodovia Dos Minérios (Pr 092) - Areias (Casa Das Mangueiras) | 07:41 | 08:28 | 09:16 | 10:03 | 11:34 | 12:26 | 13:16 | 14:01 | 14:47 | 15:35 | 16:22 | 17:10 | 17:57 | 18:45 | 19:45 | 21:00 | 22:03 | 23:08 | 00:15 | 01:04 |
Rodovia Dos Minérios (Pr 092) - Areias (Igreja Matriz) | 07:42 | 08:29 | 09:17 | 10:04 | 11:35 | 12:27 | 13:17 | 14:02 | 14:48 | 15:36 | 16:23 | 17:11 | 17:58 | 18:46 | 19:46 | 21:01 | 22:04 | 23:09 | 00:16 | 01:05 |
Rodovia Dos Minérios (Pr 092) - Areias (São João Batista) | 07:44 | 08:31 | 09:19 | 10:06 | 11:37 | 12:29 | 13:19 | 14:04 | 14:50 | 15:38 | 16:25 | 17:13 | 18:00 | 18:48 | 19:48 | 21:03 | 22:06 | 23:11 | 00:18 | 01:07 |
Rodovia Dos Minérios (Pr 092) | 07:45 | 08:32 | 09:20 | 10:07 | 11:38 | 12:30 | 13:20 | 14:05 | 14:51 | 15:39 | 16:26 | 17:14 | 18:01 | 18:49 | 19:49 | 21:04 | 22:07 | 23:12 | 00:19 | 01:08 |
Rodovia Dos Minérios (Pr 092) - Trevo Itaperuçu | 07:48 | 08:35 | 09:23 | 10:10 | 11:41 | 12:33 | 13:23 | 14:08 | 14:54 | 15:42 | 16:29 | 17:17 | 18:04 | 18:52 | 19:52 | 21:07 | 22:10 | 23:15 | 00:22 | 01:11 |
Rodovia Dos Minérios (Pr 092) - Brascal | 07:49 | 08:36 | 09:24 | 10:11 | 11:42 | 12:34 | 13:24 | 14:09 | 14:55 | 15:43 | 16:30 | 17:18 | 18:05 | 18:53 | 19:53 | 21:08 | 22:11 | 23:16 | 00:23 | 01:12 |
Rodovia Dos Minérios (Pr 092) | 07:50 | 08:37 | 09:25 | 10:12 | 11:43 | 12:35 | 13:25 | 14:10 | 14:56 | 15:44 | 16:31 | 17:19 | 18:06 | 18:54 | 19:54 | 21:09 | 22:12 | 23:17 | 00:24 | 01:13 |
Rodovia Dos Minérios (Pr 092) | 07:51 | 08:38 | 09:26 | 10:13 | 11:44 | 12:36 | 13:26 | 14:11 | 14:57 | 15:45 | 16:32 | 17:20 | 18:07 | 18:55 | 19:55 | 21:10 | 22:13 | 23:18 | 00:25 | 01:14 |
Rodovia Dos Minérios (Pr 092) | 07:53 | 08:40 | 09:28 | 10:15 | 11:46 | 12:38 | 13:28 | 14:13 | 14:58 | 15:46 | 16:33 | 17:21 | 18:08 | 18:56 | 19:56 | 21:11 | 22:14 | 23:19 | 00:26 | 01:15 |
Avenida Ermírio De Moraes - Ponte De Ferro | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 14:59 | 15:47 | 16:34 | 17:22 | 18:09 | 18:57 | 19:57 | 21:12 | 22:15 | 23:20 | 00:27 | 01:16 |
Rua Coronel Carlos Pioli, 127 | 07:55 | 08:42 | 09:30 | 10:17 | 11:48 | 12:40 | 13:30 | 14:15 | 15:00 | 15:48 | 16:35 | 17:23 | 18:10 | 18:58 | 19:58 | 21:13 | 22:16 | 23:21 | 00:28 | 01:17 |
Rua Coronel Carlos Pioli, 312 | 07:55 | 08:42 | 09:30 | 10:17 | 11:48 | 12:40 | 13:30 | 14:15 | 15:01 | 15:49 | 16:36 | 17:24 | 18:11 | 18:59 | 19:59 | 21:14 | 22:17 | 23:22 | 00:29 | 01:18 |
Rua Sete De Setembro, 392 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 15:02 | 15:50 | 16:37 | 17:25 | 18:12 | 19:00 | 20:00 | 21:15 | 22:18 | 23:23 | 00:30 | 01:19 |
Rua Padre Ribeiro, 272 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 15:02 | 15:50 | 16:37 | 17:25 | 18:12 | 19:00 | 20:00 | 21:15 | 22:18 | 23:23 | 00:30 | 01:19 |
Rua Duque De Caxias, 44 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 15:03 | 15:51 | 16:38 | 17:26 | 18:13 | 19:01 | 20:01 | 21:16 | 22:19 | 23:24 | 00:31 | 01:20 |
Rua Duque De Caxias, 290 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 15:03 | 15:51 | 16:38 | 17:26 | 18:13 | 19:01 | 20:01 | 21:16 | 22:19 | 23:24 | 00:31 | 01:20 |
Rua Domingos De Faria, 690 | 07:57 | 08:44 | 09:32 | 10:19 | 11:50 | 12:42 | 13:32 | 14:17 | 15:04 | 15:52 | 16:39 | 17:27 | 18:14 | 19:02 | 20:02 | 21:17 | 22:20 | 23:25 | 00:32 | 01:21 |
Rua Antônio Elías, 65 | 07:57 | 08:44 | 09:32 | 10:19 | 11:50 | 12:42 | 13:32 | 14:17 | 15:04 | 15:52 | 16:39 | 17:27 | 18:14 | 19:02 | 20:02 | 21:17 | 22:20 | 23:25 | 00:32 | 01:21 |
Rua Açungui, 430 - Nossa Senhora De Fátima | 07:58 | 08:45 | 09:33 | 10:20 | 11:51 | 12:43 | 13:33 | 14:18 | 15:05 | 15:53 | 16:40 | 17:28 | 18:15 | 19:03 | 20:03 | 21:18 | 22:21 | 23:26 | 00:33 | 01:22 |
Rua Açungui, 2105 | 07:59 | 08:46 | 09:34 | 10:21 | 11:52 | 12:44 | 13:34 | 14:19 | 15:06 | 15:54 | 16:41 | 17:29 | 18:16 | 19:04 | 20:04 | 21:19 | 22:22 | 23:27 | 00:34 | 01:23 |
Rua Sete De Abril, 838 | 07:59 | 08:46 | 09:34 | 10:21 | 11:52 | 12:44 | 13:34 | 14:19 | 15:06 | 15:54 | 16:41 | 17:29 | 18:16 | 19:04 | 20:04 | 21:19 | 22:22 | 23:27 | 00:34 | 01:23 |
Palmeirinhas (Sete De Abril, 2000) | 08:05 | 08:52 | 09:40 | 10:27 | 11:58 | 12:50 | 13:40 | 14:25 | 15:12 | 16:00 | 16:47 | 17:35 | 18:22 | 19:10 | 20:10 | 21:25 | 22:28 | 23:33 | 00:40 | 01:29 |
Avenida Manoel Muller De Siqueira, 205 | 08:06 | 08:53 | 09:41 | 10:28 | 11:59 | 12:51 | 13:41 | 14:26 | 15:13 | 16:01 | 16:48 | 17:36 | 18:23 | 19:11 | 20:11 | 21:26 | 22:29 | 23:34 | 00:41 | 01:30 |
Rua Manoel Müller Siqueira, 480 | 08:07 | 08:54 | 09:42 | 10:29 | 12:00 | 12:52 | 13:42 | 14:27 | 15:14 | 16:02 | 16:49 | 17:37 | 18:24 | 19:12 | 20:12 | 21:27 | 22:30 | 23:35 | 00:42 | 01:31 |
Rua Paulino S Faria, 1007 | 08:09 | 08:56 | 09:44 | 10:31 | 12:02 | 12:54 | 13:44 | 14:29 | 15:16 | 16:04 | 16:51 | 17:39 | 18:26 | 19:14 | 20:14 | 21:29 | 22:32 | 23:37 | 00:44 | 01:33 |
Rua Paulino S Faria, 54 - Caic | 08:10 | 08:57 | 09:45 | 10:32 | 12:03 | 12:55 | 13:45 | 14:30 | 15:17 | 16:05 | 16:52 | 17:40 | 18:27 | 19:15 | 20:15 | 21:30 | 22:33 | 23:38 | 00:45 | 01:34 |
Rua João Santana, 213 | 08:10 | 08:57 | 09:45 | 10:32 | 12:03 | 12:55 | 13:45 | 14:30 | 15:17 | 16:05 | 16:52 | 17:40 | 18:27 | 19:15 | 20:15 | 21:30 | 22:33 | 23:38 | 00:45 | 01:34 |
Rua João Santana, 213 | 08:11 | 08:58 | 09:46 | 10:33 | 12:04 | 12:56 | 13:46 | 14:31 | 15:18 | 16:06 | 16:53 | 17:41 | 18:28 | 19:16 | 20:16 | 21:31 | 22:34 | 23:39 | 00:46 | 01:35 |
Rua João Santana, 25 | 08:12 | 08:59 | 09:47 | 10:34 | 12:05 | 12:57 | 13:47 | 14:32 | 15:19 | 16:07 | 16:54 | 17:42 | 18:29 | 19:17 | 20:17 | 21:32 | 22:35 | 23:40 | 00:47 | 01:36 |
Rua Antônio Elías, 426 | 08:15 | 09:02 | 09:50 | 10:37 | 12:08 | 13:00 | 13:50 | 14:35 | 15:22 | 16:10 | 16:57 | 17:45 | 18:32 | 19:20 | 20:20 | 21:35 | 22:38 | 23:43 | 00:50 | 01:39 |
Viação Piraquara bus schedule - L01 RIO BRANCO / PRAÇA 19 (VIA TAMANDARÉ / LAMENHA) (Praça 19 → Rio Branco Do Sul)
The Viação Piraquara bus schedule for the L01 RIO BRANCO / PRAÇA 19 (VIA TAMANDARÉ / LAMENHA) route, Praça 19 → Rio Branco Do Sul, provides commuters with a reliable timetable. The schedule is for the trip plan from Praça 19 De Dezembro station to Rua Antônio Elías, 426 station, however the schedule may be updated due to different reasons.
You can access an online real-time schedule or view a printable version of the bus schedule. Plan your journey according to the schedule for today, tomorrow, weekdays, or the weekend with our reliable and up-to-date Viação Piraquara schedule. We update the schedule of L01 RIO BRANCO / PRAÇA 19 (VIA TAMANDARÉ / LAMENHA), from Praça 19 De Dezembro to Rua Antônio Elías, 426, daily at midnight.