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How to get to Dumyat in Stirling by Bus or Train?

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Directions to Dumyat (Stirling) with public transport

The following transport lines have routes that pass near Dumyat

  • BusBus:

How to get to Dumyat by Bus?

Click on the Bus route to see step by step directions with maps, line arrival times and updated time schedules.

Bus stations near Dumyat in Stirling

  • Cotkerse, Blairlogie,23 min walk,

Bus lines to Dumyat in Stirling

  • MA2,Stirling - Alloa + Tullibody,
  • 52,Stirling - Alloa via Alva + Tillicoultry,
  • 324,Bannockburn or Stirling - Dollar,
  • 326,Dunblane,
Questions & Answers
  • What are the nearest stations to Dumyat?

    The nearest stations to Dumyat are:

    • Cotkerse, Blairlogie is 1790 meters away, 23 min walk.
  • Which Bus lines stop near Dumyat?

    These Bus lines stop near Dumyat: 52

  • What time is the first Bus to Dumyat in Stirling?

    The 52 is the first Bus that goes to Dumyat in Stirling. It stops nearby at 07:36.

  • What time is the last Bus to Dumyat in Stirling?

    The 52 is the last Bus that goes to Dumyat in Stirling. It stops nearby at 22:48.

See Dumyat, Stirling, on the map

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Public Transit to Dumyat in Stirling

Wondering how to get to Dumyat in Stirling, United Kingdom? Moovit helps you find the best way to get to Dumyat with step-by-step directions from the nearest public transit station.

Moovit provides free maps and live directions to help you navigate through your city. View schedules, routes, timetables, and find out how long does it take to get to Dumyat in real time.

Looking for the nearest stop or station to Dumyat? Check out this list of stops closest to your destination: Cotkerse.


Want to see if there’s another route that gets you there at an earlier time? Moovit helps you find alternative routes or times. Get directions from and directions to Dumyat easily from the Moovit App or Website.

We make riding to Dumyat easy, which is why over 1.5 million users, including users in Stirling, trust Moovit as the best app for public transit. You don’t need to download an individual bus app or train app, Moovit is your all-in-one transit app that helps you find the best bus time or train time available.

For information on prices of Bus and Train, costs and ride fares to Dumyat, please check the Moovit app.

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Dumyat Address: Dumyat Path, Stirling, Stirling FK9 4LB, UK street in Stirling

Dumyat, Stirling
Dumyat, StirlingDumyat or Dunmyat (Scottish Gaelic: Dùn Mhèad) is a hill at the western extremity of the Ochil Hills in central Scotland. The name is thought to originate from Dun (hill fort) of the Maeatae.Although relatively small (its height is 418 metres), the characteristic shape of the hill forms an important part of the distinctive scenery of the Stirling area, and it is often depicted (particularly in postcards and calendars) in combination with the nearby Abbey Craig. The hill is a popular climb with tourists and visitors to the Stirling and Trossachs area, due to the historical nature of Stirling and the proximity of the Wallace Monument. Dumyat has two principal summits: Castle Law on the west, and Dumyat proper on the east. On the summit of Castle Law the remains of an ancient hill fort, originally occupied by the Maeatae, are still clearly discernible. The fort is a scheduled monument. At one time the favourite route to the summit of either Dumyat or Castle Law was via the prominent gulley which runs almost straight up the southern scarp face, and continues down the gently sloping north face. This gulley was formed by the erosion of a fault, resulting from the juxtaposition of soft pyroclastic rocks on one side against harder andesite and basalt on the other. This has resulted in an area where hard andesite slightly overhangs, and is the darkest and least exposed part of the climb, which is not particularly difficult. Further gullies, formed by secondary tearing around the main fault (itself a product of the major disturbance which resulted from the Ochil Fault) extend to the right into Dumyat, and form potential shortcuts to the summit. The first of these, Raeburn's Gulley, is particularly dangerous and should only be attempted by experienced and properly equipped rock climbers, however the second, Siart Gulley, is climbable by anyone of average ability, if care is taken in scrambling up the steep step at the end. The third, fourth and fifth gullies are not named, and become progressively easier. Nowadays many people park their cars on Sheriffmuir and take a longer but more gently sloping path to the summit, passing behind, i.e. slightly to the north of, the summit of Castle Law. The third route is via Menstrie Glen from the east, and is a somewhat gentle ascent in the beginning, which steepens satisfactorily for those who like a decent climb, as the summit is approached. The exposed terrain of Dumyat and the surrounding muir are suitable only for sheep farming, with several sheep folds dotting the hill's sides, along with the ruins of a shepherd's stone house. Dumyat was formerly the site of small-scale mining for copper and barytes, although these workings are now abandoned. The scree on the scarp face of Castle Law is a source of agates, not necessarily of the finest quality, but occasionally other specimens such as smoky quartz and citrine can be found, along with the inevitable quartz, calcite, barytes, and two ores of copper, malachite, and less commonly, azurite. At the top is a memorial to the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, a memorial bench to Mr Michael Simpson (a long serving and much loved member of the Open University) a trig point, and a characteristic cairn with a beacon on top that is currently filled with stones. The stones which are placed in the beacon are all wishes that have been made by others. The beacon on the top of Dumyat was commissioned for the Queen's Silver Jubilee in 1977. It was carried up and erected by the Menstrie Scout Group and was part of the UK chain of beacons lit as part of the Jubilee celebrations.
How to get to Dumyat with public transport- About the place

Public transport routes with stations closest to Dumyat in Stirling

Bus lines with stations closest to Dumyat in Stirling

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