How to get from Hessi Omar to Mahrès (المحرس) by bus?
From Hessi Omar to Mahrès (المحرس) by bus
Take one direct bus from Hessi Omar to Mahrès (المحرس) in Sfax: take the ZZ-SF bus from Hessi Omar station to Mahres station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 3 hr 24 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationHessi Omar
- 2Wait for busZZ-SFSfax
- 3Ride to bus stationMahres198 min
- 4Walk toMahrès (المحرس)320 m • 5 min
Public transit directions from Hessi Omar to Mahrès (المحرس)
Public transit stations close to Mahrès (المحرس), Sfax
Mahrès (المحرس) is located at Mahrès (المحرس), Sfax and the nearest public transit station is Mahres.
Bus stations close to Mahrès (المحرس):
- Mahres
Related Routes
- Akarit to Mahrès (المحرس)
- Ecole Grar to Mahrès (المحرس)
- Tatouine to Mahrès (المحرس)
- Sekhira to Mahrès (المحرس)
- Trabssa to Mahrès (المحرس)
- Pont De Mazouna to Mahrès (المحرس)
- Hechichina to Mahrès (المحرس)
- Sayada to Mahrès (المحرس)
- Gargour to Mahrès (المحرس)
- Sfax to Mahrès (المحرس)
- Oued Sedr to Mahrès (المحرس)
- Hjar to Mahrès (المحرس)
- Mosquee Najjar to Mahrès (المحرس)
- Maghrawiya to Mahrès (المحرس)
- Ecole Om Hassen to Mahrès (المحرس)
- Houmet Souk to Mahrès (المحرس)
- Bousaid to Mahrès (المحرس)
- Chat Awama to Mahrès (المحرس)
- Gorthab to Mahrès (المحرس)
- Habhab 1 to Mahrès (المحرس)
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Hessi Omar to Mahrès (المحرس)?
The fastest way takes 204 minutes, using Bus line ZZ-SF.
Is there a direct bus between Hessi Omar and Mahrès (المحرس)?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Hessi Omar in Médenine to Mahrès (المحرس) in Sfax in 3 hr 24 min.
Which bus line goes from Hessi Omar to Mahrès (المحرس)?
The ZZ-SF bus line goes from Sfax station near Hessi Omar in Médenine to Mahres station near Mahrès (المحرس) in Sfax.
How long does it take to travel from Hessi Omar to Mahrès (المحرس) by bus?
The total travel time between Hessi Omar in Médenine and Mahrès (المحرس) in Sfax by bus is about 3 hr 24 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Hessi Omar to get to Mahrès (المحرس)?
Get on the ZZ-SF bus from the Sfax stop near Hessi Omar in Médenine.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Hessi Omar and Mahrès (المحرس)?
Get off the bus at the Mahres stop, which is closest to Mahrès (المحرس) in Sfax.
When is the last bus from Hessi Omar to Mahrès (المحرس)?
The last bus from Hessi Omar in Médenine to Mahrès (المحرس) in Sfax is the Zarzis-Sfax line. It leaves the Hessi Omar stop at 10:29 AM.