How to get from San Fernando (1) to Morón by Colectivo and train?
From San Fernando (1) to Morón by Colectivo and train
To get from San Fernando (1) to Morón in Buenos Aires, you’ll need to take 2 Colectivo lines and one train line: take the 276 Colectivo from Parada station to Avenida 25 De Mayo Y Colectora Este station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 194 Colectivo and finally take the SARMIENTO train from Estación Once station to Ituzaingó station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 3 hr 14 min. The ride fare is ARS1,436.00.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to Colectivo stationParada1.35 km • 17 min
- 2Wait for Colectivo276R1 - Paraná De Las Palmas - Est. Pilar
- 3Ride to Colectivo stationAvenida 25 De Mayo Y Colectora Este46 min
- 4Wait for Colectivo194Est. Escobar - Once (Expreso)
- 5Ride to Colectivo stationTerminal 19473 min
- 6Walk to train stationEstación Once150 m • 3 min
- 7Wait for trainSARMIENTOMoreno
- 8Ride to train stationItuzaingó49 min
Public transit directions from San Fernando (1) to Morón
Public transit stations close to San Fernando (1)
San Fernando (1) is located at San Fernando (1), Buenos Aires and the nearest public transit station is Puerto Paraná.
Ferry stations close to San Fernando (1):
- Puerto Paraná
Public transit stations close to Morón, Buenos Aires
Morón is located at Morón, Buenos Aires and the nearest public transit station is Medrano Y Olivera.
Train stations close to Morón:
- S.A. De Padua
- Morón
- Castelar
Colectivo stations close to Morón:
- Medrano Y Olivera
- General Mansilla Y Juncal
- Juncal Y General Mansilla
Related Routes
- Chascomús to Morón
- General Alvear to Morón
- Saladillo to Morón
- San Andrés De Giles to Morón
- Pilar to Morón
- San Vicente to Morón
- Villa Devoto to Morón
- Berazategui to Morón
- General Rodríguez to Morón
- La Plata to Morón
- Lomas De Zamora to Morón
- Marcos Paz to Morón
- Merlo to Morón
- Nuñez to Morón
- Palermo to Morón
- Chile (9 - 91) to Morón
- Del Viso to Morón
- Villa Adelina to Morón
- M. M. Padilla to Morón
- Escobar to Morón
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from San Fernando (1) to Morón?
The fastest way takes 194 minutes, using Colectivo line 276, Colectivo line 194, Colectivo line SARMIENTO.
Is there a direct Colectivo between San Fernando (1) and Morón in Buenos Aires?
No, you’ll have to take 2 Colectivo lines and one train line in total. The total travelling time is 3 hr 14 min.
Which Colectivo line goes from San Fernando (1) to Morón in Buenos Aires?
The 276 Colectivo line goes from Parada station near San Fernando (1) to R1 - Paraná De Las Palmas - Est. Pilar station. From there you’ll have to take one Colectivo line and one train line till R1 - Paraná De Las Palmas - Est. Pilar station near Morón in Buenos Aires
How long does it take to travel from San Fernando (1) to Morón in Buenos Aires by Colectivo and train?
The total travel time between San Fernando (1) and Morón in Buenos Aires by Colectivo and train is about 3 hr 14 min.
Where do I get on the Colectivo near San Fernando (1) to get to Morón in Buenos Aires?
Get on the 276 Colectivo from the Parada stop near San Fernando (1) in Buenos Aires.
Where do I get off the Colectivo when travelling between San Fernando (1) and Morón in Buenos Aires?
Get off the Colectivo at the R1 - Paraná De Las Palmas - Est. Pilar station, which is closest to Morón in Buenos Aires.
How much is the total Colectivo and train fare from San Fernando (1) to Morón?
The ride from San Fernando (1) to Morón costs ARS1,436.00.