How to get from Smp Kartika IV 8-1 to Universitas MA Chung by bus?
From Smp Kartika IV 8-1 to Universitas MA Chung by bus
To get from Smp Kartika IV 8-1 to Universitas MA Chung in Malang, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the JPK bus from Jalan Ikan Piranha 47 station to Jalan Bunga Vinolia 401 station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the CKL bus and finally take the STL bus from Jalan Tlogomas A1 station to Jalan Raya Dieng Atas, 24 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 34 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationJalan Ikan Piranha 47400 m • 6 min
- 2Wait for busJPKPermh. Joyogrand
- 3Ride to bus stationJalan Bunga Vinolia 40115 min
- 4Wait for busCKLLandungsari
- 5Ride to bus stationJalan Tlogomas A18 min
- 6Wait for busSTLSumberejo
- 7Ride to bus stationJalan Raya Dieng Atas, 2425 min
- 8Walk toUniversitas MA ChungJalan Karangampel Timur2.37 km • 31 min
Alternative route from Smp Kartika IV 8-1 to Universitas MA Chung by bus via JPK, ADL and STL
To get from Smp Kartika IV 8-1 to Universitas MA Chung in Malang, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the JPK bus from Jalan Ikan Piranha 47 station to Jalan M.T. Haryono 4 station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the ADL bus and finally take the STL bus from Jalan Tlogomas A1 station to Jalan Raya Dieng Atas, 24 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 34 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationJalan Ikan Piranha 47400 m • 6 min
- 2Wait for busJPKPermh. Joyogrand
- 3Ride to bus stationJalan M.T. Haryono 419 min
- 4Wait for busADLLandungsari
- 5Ride to bus stationJalan Tlogomas A18 min
- 6Wait for busSTLSumberejo
- 7Ride to bus stationJalan Raya Dieng Atas, 2425 min
- 8Walk toUniversitas MA ChungJalan Karangampel Timur2.37 km • 31 min
Public transit directions from Smp Kartika IV 8-1 to Universitas MA Chung
Public transit stations close to Smp Kartika IV 8-1
Smp Kartika IV 8-1 is located at Smp Kartika IV 8-1, Malang and the nearest public transit station is Sdn Purwodadi 1.
Bus stations close to Smp Kartika IV 8-1:
- Sdn Purwodadi 1
- Jalan Cakalang 2b
- Jalan Raya Malang - Surabaya 143-145
Public transit stations close to Universitas MA Chung, Malang
Universitas MA Chung is located at Jalan Karangampel Timur, Malang and the nearest public transit station is Jalan Raya Dieng Atas, 10.
Bus stations close to Universitas MA Chung:
- Jalan Raya Dieng Atas, 10
Related Routes
- Jalan Tlogomas A1 to Universitas MA Chung
- Jalan Tlogomas 106 to Universitas MA Chung
- Jalan M.T. Haryono 213 to Universitas MA Chung
- Jalan Gajayana 683 to Universitas MA Chung
- Jalan Sumbersari Gang 4 277 to Universitas MA Chung
- Jalan Terusan Surabaya 55c to Universitas MA Chung
- Jalan Bondowoso 2 to Universitas MA Chung
- Jalan Jombang 11-17 to Universitas MA Chung
- Jalan Pulo Sari 25 to Universitas MA Chung
- Jalan Kawi 15 B to Universitas MA Chung
- Jalan Merdeka Timur 2f to Universitas MA Chung
- Jalan Kyai Tamin 20 to Universitas MA Chung
- Jalan Professor Moch Yamin 101 to Universitas MA Chung
- Jalan Susanto 14 to Universitas MA Chung
- Jalan Sonokeling 41 to Universitas MA Chung
- Jalan Janti Barat 58 to Universitas MA Chung
- Jalan Sudanco Supriadi 76 to Universitas MA Chung
- Jalan Sudanco Supriadi 73 to Universitas MA Chung
- Jalan Apida Satsui Tubun 9 to Universitas MA Chung
- Terminal Bayangan Gadang Bumiayu to Universitas MA Chung
Alternative route from Smp Kartika IV 8-1 to Universitas MA Chung by bus via JPK, ADL and STL
To get from Smp Kartika IV 8-1 to Universitas MA Chung in Malang, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the JPK bus from Jalan Ikan Piranha 47 station to Jalan M.T. Haryono 4 station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the ADL bus and finally take the STL bus from Jalan Tlogomas A1 station to Jalan Raya Dieng Atas, 24 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 34 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationJalan Ikan Piranha 47400 m • 6 min
- 2Wait for busJPKPermh. Joyogrand
- 3Ride to bus stationJalan M.T. Haryono 419 min
- 4Wait for busADLLandungsari
- 5Ride to bus stationJalan Tlogomas A18 min
- 6Wait for busSTLSumberejo
- 7Ride to bus stationJalan Raya Dieng Atas, 2425 min
- 8Walk toUniversitas MA ChungJalan Karangampel Timur2.37 km • 31 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Smp Kartika IV 8-1 to Universitas MA Chung?
The fastest way takes 94 minutes, using Bus line JPK, Bus line CKL, Bus line STL.
What is the alternative route to get from Smp Kartika IV 8-1 to Universitas MA Chung?
The alternative route takes 94 minutes, using Bus line JPK, Bus line ADL, Bus line STL.
Is there a direct bus between Smp Kartika IV 8-1 and Universitas MA Chung in Malang?
No, you’ll have to take 3 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 34 min.
Which bus line goes from Smp Kartika IV 8-1 to Universitas MA Chung in Malang?
The JPK bus line goes from Jalan Ikan Piranha 47 station near Smp Kartika IV 8-1 to Permh. Joyogrand station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Permh. Joyogrand station near Universitas MA Chung in Malang
How long does it take to travel from Smp Kartika IV 8-1 to Universitas MA Chung in Malang by bus?
The total travel time between Smp Kartika IV 8-1 and Universitas MA Chung in Malang by bus is about 1 hr 34 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Smp Kartika IV 8-1 to get to Universitas MA Chung in Malang?
Get on the JPK bus from the Jalan Ikan Piranha 47 stop near Smp Kartika IV 8-1 in Malang.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Smp Kartika IV 8-1 and Universitas MA Chung in Malang?
Get off the bus at the Permh. Joyogrand stop, which is closest to Universitas MA Chung in Malang.