How to get from Simpang Desa Soreang to Universitas Padjajaran by bus?
From Simpang Desa Soreang to Universitas Padjajaran by bus
To get from Simpang Desa Soreang to Universitas Padjajaran in Kota Bandung, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the SOREANG-LW.PANJANG bus from Sabilulungan station to Sdn Babakan Tarogong station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 27 bus and finally take the TMP 5D bus from Halte Bkr 5 Pamager Sari station to Halte Unpad Dipatiukur station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 16 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationSabilulungan670 m • 9 min
- 2Wait for busSOREANG-LW.PANJANGLeuwipanjang
- 3Ride to bus stationSdn Babakan Tarogong27 min
- 4Wait for bus27Derwati
- 5Ride to bus stationHalte Bkr 5 Pamager Sari6 min
- 6Wait for busTMP 5DUNPAD Dipatiukur
- 7Ride to bus stationHalte Unpad Dipatiukur18 min
- 8Walk toUniversitas PadjajaranJalan Dipatiukur140 m • 2 min
Alternative route from Simpang Desa Soreang to Universitas Padjajaran by bus via SOREANG-LW.PANJANG, 28 and TMP 5D
To get from Simpang Desa Soreang to Universitas Padjajaran in Kota Bandung, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the SOREANG-LW.PANJANG bus from Sabilulungan station to Jalan Terusan Pasir Koja 32a station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 28 bus and finally take the TMP 5D bus from Halte Bkr 5 Pamager Sari station to Halte Unpad Dipatiukur station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 16 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationSabilulungan670 m • 9 min
- 2Wait for busSOREANG-LW.PANJANGLeuwipanjang
- 3Ride to bus stationJalan Terusan Pasir Koja 32a33 min
- 4Wait for bus28Ujungberung
- 5Ride to bus stationHalte Bkr 5 Pamager Sari6 min
- 6Wait for busTMP 5DUNPAD Dipatiukur
- 7Ride to bus stationHalte Unpad Dipatiukur18 min
- 8Walk toUniversitas PadjajaranJalan Dipatiukur140 m • 2 min
Public transit directions from Simpang Desa Soreang to Universitas Padjajaran
Public transit stations close to Simpang Desa Soreang
Simpang Desa Soreang is located at Simpang Desa Soreang, Kota Bandung and the nearest public transit station is Jalan Raya Soreang-Banjaran 409.
Bus stations close to Simpang Desa Soreang:
- Jalan Raya Soreang-Banjaran 409
- Sabilulungan
- Plaza Pemkab Bandung A
Public transit stations close to Universitas Padjajaran, Kota Bandung
Universitas Padjajaran is located at Jalan Dipatiukur, Kota Bandung and the nearest public transit station is Bni Dipatiukur.
Train stations close to Universitas Padjajaran:
- Stasiun Bandung (Lokal)
- Stasiun Ciroyom
- Stasiun Kiaracondong
Bus stations close to Universitas Padjajaran:
- Bni Dipatiukur
- Rumah Sakit Santo Borromeus B
- Feb Unpad Dipatiukur
Related Routes
- Kantor Desa Gadobangkong to Universitas Padjajaran
- Borma Cimahi to Universitas Padjajaran
- Jalan Gedung Empat 2 to Universitas Padjajaran
- Halte Soekarno Hatta Leuwi Panjang to Universitas Padjajaran
- Altamira to Universitas Padjajaran
- Inhoftank to Universitas Padjajaran
- Seberang Ampera Soekarno Hatta to Universitas Padjajaran
- Karasak Utara to Universitas Padjajaran
- Bahana Bandung to Universitas Padjajaran
- Jalan Soekarno Hatta 427 to Universitas Padjajaran
- Pln Up3 Bandung B to Universitas Padjajaran
- Pt Len Industri B to Universitas Padjajaran
- Lpkia B to Universitas Padjajaran
- Bangunan Mart B to Universitas Padjajaran
- Naga Mas to Universitas Padjajaran
- Jalan Soekarno Hatta to Universitas Padjajaran
- Seberang Carrefour Kiaracondong to Universitas Padjajaran
- Pasar Kiaracondong to Universitas Padjajaran
- Halte Carrefour to Universitas Padjajaran
- Jalan Soekarno Hatta 518 to Universitas Padjajaran
Alternative route from Simpang Desa Soreang to Universitas Padjajaran by bus via SOREANG-LW.PANJANG, 28 and TMP 5D
To get from Simpang Desa Soreang to Universitas Padjajaran in Kota Bandung, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the SOREANG-LW.PANJANG bus from Sabilulungan station to Jalan Terusan Pasir Koja 32a station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 28 bus and finally take the TMP 5D bus from Halte Bkr 5 Pamager Sari station to Halte Unpad Dipatiukur station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 16 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationSabilulungan670 m • 9 min
- 2Wait for busSOREANG-LW.PANJANGLeuwipanjang
- 3Ride to bus stationJalan Terusan Pasir Koja 32a33 min
- 4Wait for bus28Ujungberung
- 5Ride to bus stationHalte Bkr 5 Pamager Sari6 min
- 6Wait for busTMP 5DUNPAD Dipatiukur
- 7Ride to bus stationHalte Unpad Dipatiukur18 min
- 8Walk toUniversitas PadjajaranJalan Dipatiukur140 m • 2 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Simpang Desa Soreang to Universitas Padjajaran?
The fastest way takes 76 minutes, using Bus line SOREANG-LW.PANJANG, Bus line 27, Bus line TMP 5D.
What is the alternative route to get from Simpang Desa Soreang to Universitas Padjajaran?
The alternative route takes 76 minutes, using Bus line SOREANG-LW.PANJANG, Bus line 28, Bus line TMP 5D.
Is there a direct bus between Simpang Desa Soreang and Universitas Padjajaran?
No, you’ll have to take 3 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 16 min.
Which bus line goes from Simpang Desa Soreang to Universitas Padjajaran?
The SOREANG-LW.PANJANG bus line goes from Sabilulungan station near Simpang Desa Soreang in Bandung to Leuwipanjang station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Leuwipanjang station near Universitas Padjajaran in Kota Bandung.
How long does it take to travel from Simpang Desa Soreang to Universitas Padjajaran by bus?
The total travel time between Simpang Desa Soreang in Bandung and Universitas Padjajaran in Kota Bandung by bus is about 1 hr 16 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Simpang Desa Soreang to get to Universitas Padjajaran?
Get on the SOREANG-LW.PANJANG bus from the Sabilulungan stop near Simpang Desa Soreang in Bandung.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Simpang Desa Soreang and Universitas Padjajaran?
Get off the bus at the Leuwipanjang stop, which is closest to Universitas Padjajaran in Kota Bandung.