How to get from T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座 by bus?
From T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座 by bus
To get from T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座 in Macau, take the 33 bus from T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa station to M172/1 亞馬喇前地 (A車道) Praça Ferreira Amaral (Via / Lane A) station. Next, take the 71 bus from M172/7 亞馬喇前地 (C車道) Praça Ferreira Amaral (Via / Lane C) station to T552 澳大/中央教學樓 Um / Sala De Aulas:Edifício Central, Um / Central Teaching Building (E4-劉少榮樓 Anthony Lau Building, Edifício Anthony Lau) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 24 min. The ride fare is MOP12.00.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationT330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa
- 2Wait for bus33筷子基總站 Fai Chi Kei / Terminal
- 3Ride to bus stationM172/1 亞馬喇前地 (A車道) Praça Ferreira Amaral (Via / Lane A)3 min
- 4Walk to bus stationM172/7 亞馬喇前地 (C車道) Praça Ferreira Amaral (Via / Lane C)40 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for bus71澳門大學總站 Universidade De Macau/ Terminal
- 6Ride to bus stationT552 澳大/中央教學樓 Um / Sala De Aulas:Edifício Central, Um / Central Teaching Building (E4-劉少榮樓 Anthony Lau Building, Edifício Anthony Lau)15 min
- 7Walk to澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座橫琴澳門大學校園區270 m • 4 min
Alternative route from T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座 by bus via 22 and 71
To get from T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座 in Macau, take the 22 bus from T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa station to M172/11 亞馬喇前地 (G車道) Praça Ferreira Amaral (Via / Lane F) station. Next, take the 71 bus from M172/7 亞馬喇前地 (C車道) Praça Ferreira Amaral (Via / Lane C) station to T552 澳大/中央教學樓 Um / Sala De Aulas:Edifício Central, Um / Central Teaching Building (E4-劉少榮樓 Anthony Lau Building, Edifício Anthony Lau) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 24 min. The ride fare is MOP12.00.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationT330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa
- 2Wait for bus22祐漢第二街 Rua 2 Iao Hon
- 3Ride to bus stationM172/11 亞馬喇前地 (G車道) Praça Ferreira Amaral (Via / Lane F)3 min
- 4Walk to bus stationM172/7 亞馬喇前地 (C車道) Praça Ferreira Amaral (Via / Lane C)50 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for bus71澳門大學總站 Universidade De Macau/ Terminal
- 6Ride to bus stationT552 澳大/中央教學樓 Um / Sala De Aulas:Edifício Central, Um / Central Teaching Building (E4-劉少榮樓 Anthony Lau Building, Edifício Anthony Lau)15 min
- 7Walk to澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座橫琴澳門大學校園區270 m • 4 min
Public transit directions from T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
Public transit stations close to T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa
T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa is located at T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa, Macau and the nearest public transit station is T330/2 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa.
Bus stations close to T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa:
- T330/2 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa
- 新濠鋒酒店 Altira
- T330/3 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa
Public transit stations close to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座, Macau
澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座 is located at 橫琴澳門大學校園區, Macau and the nearest public transit station is T559 大學南 Sul Da Universidade.
Bus stations close to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座:
- T559 大學南 Sul Da Universidade
- 研究生宿舍巴士站 Post-Graduation House Bus Stop, Paragam De Residencia De Estudantes De Pos-Graduacao
- T551 澳大/研究生宿舍 Um / Residência De E. De Pós-Graduação, Um / Postgraduate House
Related Routes
- M107 聖心學校 Esc. S. C. Jesus, Sacred Heart Canossian College to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
- M106 雅廉訪/聖心 Ouvidor Arriaga/ Esc. S. C. Jesus to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
- M105 望廈炮台 Forte Mong-Há, Mong-Ha Fort to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
- M104 觀音堂 Templo Kun Iam, Kun Iam Tong Temple to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
- M109 提督/高士德 Almirante Lacerda / Horta E Costa to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
- T323 黑橋/地堡街 Ponte Negra/R. Do Regedor to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
- T408/2 湖畔大廈 (A車道) Edifício Do Lago (Via / Lane A) to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
- T408/1 湖畔大廈 (A車道) Edifício Do Lago (Via / Lane A) to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
- T330/3 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
- M103 聖方濟各老人院 Asilo S. Francisco to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
- T327 賽馬會 Jockey Club to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
- T408/6 湖畔大廈 (C車道) Edifício Do Lago (Via / Lane C) to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
- T408/5 湖畔大廈 (C車道) Edifício Do Lago (Via / Lane C) to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
- M102 船澳街 Rua Da Doca Seca to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
- M101 幸運閣 Edf. Hang Wan Kok to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
- T408/9 湖畔大廈 (E車道) Edifício Do Lago (Via / Lane E) to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
- M7/3 關閘馬路 Istmo F. Amaral to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
- T408/8 湖畔大廈 (D車道) Edifício Do Lago (Via / Lane D) to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
- M7/2 關閘馬路 Istmo F. Amaral to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
- T332/1 南新花園 Edf. Nam Sun to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
Alternative route from T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座 by bus via 22 and 71
To get from T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座 in Macau, take the 22 bus from T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa station to M172/11 亞馬喇前地 (G車道) Praça Ferreira Amaral (Via / Lane F) station. Next, take the 71 bus from M172/7 亞馬喇前地 (C車道) Praça Ferreira Amaral (Via / Lane C) station to T552 澳大/中央教學樓 Um / Sala De Aulas:Edifício Central, Um / Central Teaching Building (E4-劉少榮樓 Anthony Lau Building, Edifício Anthony Lau) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 24 min. The ride fare is MOP12.00.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationT330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa
- 2Wait for bus22祐漢第二街 Rua 2 Iao Hon
- 3Ride to bus stationM172/11 亞馬喇前地 (G車道) Praça Ferreira Amaral (Via / Lane F)3 min
- 4Walk to bus stationM172/7 亞馬喇前地 (C車道) Praça Ferreira Amaral (Via / Lane C)50 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for bus71澳門大學總站 Universidade De Macau/ Terminal
- 6Ride to bus stationT552 澳大/中央教學樓 Um / Sala De Aulas:Edifício Central, Um / Central Teaching Building (E4-劉少榮樓 Anthony Lau Building, Edifício Anthony Lau)15 min
- 7Walk to澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座橫琴澳門大學校園區270 m • 4 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座?
The fastest way takes 24 minutes, using Bus line 33, Bus line 71.
What is the alternative route to get from T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座?
The alternative route takes 24 minutes, using Bus line 22, Bus line 71.
Is there a direct bus between T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa and 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座 in Macau?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 24 min.
Which bus line goes from T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座 in Macau?
The 33 bus line goes from 筷子基總站 Fai Chi Kei / Terminal station near T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa to M172/1 亞馬喇前地 (A車道) Praça Ferreira Amaral (Via / Lane A) station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till M172/1 亞馬喇前地 (A車道) Praça Ferreira Amaral (Via / Lane A) station near 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座 in Macau
How long does it take to travel from T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座 in Macau by bus?
The total travel time between T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa and 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座 in Macau by bus is about 24 min.
Where do I get on the bus near T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa to get to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座 in Macau?
Get on the 33 bus from the 筷子基總站 Fai Chi Kei / Terminal stop near T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa in Macau.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa and 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座 in Macau?
Get off the bus at the M172/1 亞馬喇前地 (A車道) Praça Ferreira Amaral (Via / Lane A) stop, which is closest to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座 in Macau.
How much is the bus fare from T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座?
The ride from T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座 costs MOP12.00.