Rio Vermelho → Tecif
Consórcio Fênix - Executivo
Consórcio Fênix - Executivo 1125 EXECUTIVO RIO VERMELHO Bus Route Schedule and Stops (Updated)
The 1125 EXECUTIVO RIO VERMELHO bus (Rio Vermelho → Tecif) has 89 stops departing from Rodovia João Gualberto Soares and ending at Tecif - Plataforma 3.
Choose any of the 1125 EXECUTIVO RIO VERMELHO bus stops below to find updated real-time schedules and to see their route map.
Direction: Rio Vermelho → Tecif (89 stops)
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares, 9862
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares, 10010
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares, 9777
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares, 9454
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares, 9327
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares, 9090
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares, 8923
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares, 8249
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares, 7810
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares, 7537
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares, 7349
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares, 7145
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares, 6809
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares, 6673
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares, 6377
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares, 6210
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares, 5857
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares, 22
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares, 4894
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares, 3550
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares, 3100
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares, 32
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares, 260
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares, 789
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares, 551
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares
Rodovia João Gualberto Soares
Rua Intendente João Nunes Vieira
Travessa Abílio Nunes Viêira, 138
Rodovia Armando Calil Bulos - Sc-403
Rodovia Armando Calil Bulos - Sc-403
Rodovia Armando Calil Bulos - Sc-403
Rodovia Armando Calil Bulos - Sc-403, 3868
Rodovia Armando Calil Bulos - Sc-403, 3175
Rodovia Armando Calil Bulos, 2919
Rodovia Armando Calil Bulos, 2829
Sc-403, 1979
Rodovia Armando Calil Bulos - Sc-403, 2150
Rodovia Armando Calil Bulos – Sc-403, S/N
Rodovia Armando Calil Bulos - Sc-403, Lote 06 E 07
Rodovia Armando Calil Bulos - Sc-403, 899
Rodovia Armando Calil Bulos - Sc-403
Sc-401, 3440
Sc-401, 3509
Sc-401, 4151
Rodovia José Carlos Daux -Sc 401
Rodovia José Carlos Daux -Sc 401
Rodovia José Carlos Daux -Sc 401
Rodovia José Carlos Daux -Sc 401
Rodovia José Carlos Daux -Sc 401
Rodovia José Carlos Daux -Sc 401
Rodovia José Carlos Daux -Sc 401
Rodovia José Carlos Daux -Sc 401
Rodovia José Carlos Daux -Sc 401, 1879
Rodovia José Carlos Daux -Sc 401
Rodovia José Carlos Daux -Sc 402
Rodovia José Carlos Daux -Sc 401, 6215
Rodovia José Carlos Daux -Sc 401
Rodovia José Carlos Daux -Sc 401
Rodovia José Carlos Daux -Sc 401
Rodovia José Carlos Daux -Sc 401
Rodovia José Carlos Daux -Sc 401
Rodovia José Carlos Daux -Sc 401
Rod. Sc-401
Rod. Sc-401
Rod. Sc-401
Rodovia João Paulo, 56
Avenida Gov. Irineu Bornhausen / Beira-Mar Norte
Rua Bocaiúva, 2415
Rua Bocaiúva, 2013 / 2010
Avenida Professor Othon Gama D'Eça 83
Avenida Professor Othon Gama D'Eça 643
Av. Pref. Osmar Cunha
R. Pres. Nereu Ramos
R. Arcipreste Paiva (Catedral)
Tecif - Plataforma 3
What time does the 1125 EXECUTIVO RIO VERMELHO bus start operating?
Services on the 1125 EXECUTIVO RIO VERMELHO bus start at 06:00 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
What time does the 1125 EXECUTIVO RIO VERMELHO bus stop working?
Services on the 1125 EXECUTIVO RIO VERMELHO bus stop at 12:01 on Saturday.
What time does the 1125 EXECUTIVO RIO VERMELHO bus arrive?
When does the Rio Vermelho → Tecif bus line come? Check Live Arrival Times for live arrival times and to see the full schedule for the Rio Vermelho → Tecif bus line that is closest to your location.
Does the Consórcio Fênix - Executivo 1125 EXECUTIVO RIO VERMELHO bus line run on Republic Proclamation Day?
The 1125 EXECUTIVO RIO VERMELHO bus's operating hours on Republic Proclamation Day may change. Check the Moovit app for latest changes and live updates.
Is there a 1125 EXECUTIVO RIO VERMELHO bus stop near me?
Click here to view the nearest 1125 EXECUTIVO RIO VERMELHO bus stop.
Consórcio Fênix - Executivo Bus Service Alerts
See all updates on 1125 EXECUTIVO RIO VERMELHO (from Rodovia João Gualberto Soares), including real-time status info, bus delays, changes of routes, changes of stops locations, and any other service changes. Get a real-time map view of 1125 EXECUTIVO RIO VERMELHO (Rio Vermelho → Tecif) and track the bus as it moves on the map. Download the app for all Consórcio Fênix - Executivo info now.
1125 EXECUTIVO RIO VERMELHO line bus fare
Consórcio Fênix - Executivo 1125 EXECUTIVO RIO VERMELHO (Rio Vermelho → Tecif) prices may change based on several factors. For more information about Consórcio Fênix - Executivo tickets costs please check the Moovit app or Consórcio Fênix - Executivo’s official website.
1125 EXECUTIVO RIO VERMELHO (Consórcio Fênix - Executivo)
The first stop of the 1125 EXECUTIVO RIO VERMELHO bus route is Rodovia João Gualberto Soares and the last stop is Tecif - Plataforma 3. 1125 EXECUTIVO RIO VERMELHO (Rio Vermelho → Tecif) is operational during weekdays.
Additional information: 1125 EXECUTIVO RIO VERMELHO has 89 stops and the total trip duration for this route is approximately 70 minutes.
On the go? See why over 1.5 million users trust Moovit as the best public transit app. Moovit gives you Consórcio Fênix - Executivo suggested routes, real-time bus tracker, live directions, line route maps in Florianopolis Region, and helps to find the closest 1125 EXECUTIVO RIO VERMELHO bus stops near you. No internet available? Download an offline PDF map and bus schedule for the 1125 EXECUTIVO RIO VERMELHO bus to take on your trip.
Line 1125 EXECUTIVO RIO VERMELHO Real Time bus Tracker
Track line 1125 EXECUTIVO RIO VERMELHO (Rio Vermelho → Tecif) on a live map in real time and follow its location as it moves between stations. Use Moovit as a line 1125 EXECUTIVO RIO VERMELHO bus tracker or a live Consórcio Fênix - Executivo bus tracker app and never miss your bus.
Use the app as a trip planner for Consórcio Fênix - Executivo or a trip planner for bus or ferry to plan your route around Florianopolis Region. The trip planner shows updated data for Consórcio Fênix - Executivo and any bus, including line 1125 EXECUTIVO RIO VERMELHO, in Florianopolis Region
1125 EXECUTIVO RIO VERMELHO - Alternative Directions
Consórcio Fênix - Executivo Lines in Florianopolis Region
- 4125 EXECUTIVO PÂNTANO DO SUL VIA GRAMAL - Executivo Pântano do Sul via Gramal/ Schedule
- 1121 EXECUTIVO INGLESES / SANTINHO - Executivo Ingleses / Santinho/ Schedule
- 1123 EXECUTIVO JURERÊ - Executivo Jurerê/ Schedule
- 2120 EXECUTIVO BARRA DA LAGOA - Executivo Barra da Lagoa/ Schedule
- 1128 EXECUTIVO COSTA DO MOÇAMBIQUE - Executivo Costa do Moçambique/ Schedule
- 4124 EXECUTIVO CAIEIRA DA BARRA DO SUL VIA TAPERA - Executivo Caieira da Barra do Sul via Tapera/ Schedule
- 6220 EXECUTIVO ABRAÃO - Executivo Abraão/ Schedule
- 1129 EXECUTIVO MUQUÉM - Executivo Muquém/ Schedule
- 1117 EXECUTIVO JOÃO PAULO - Executivo João Paulo/ Schedule
- 4120 EXECUTIVO PÂNTANO DO SUL VIA EUCALIPTOS - Executivo Pântano do Sul via Eucaliptos/ Schedule
- 1122 EXECUTIVO PRAIA BRAVA - Executivo Praia Brava/ Schedule
- 4123 EXECUTIVO RIBEIRÃO DA ILHA - Executivo Ribeirão da Ilha/ Schedule
- 1115 EXECUTIVO CÓRREGO GRANDE VIA GAMA D'EÇA - Executivo Córrego Grande via Gama d'Eça/ Schedule
- 1113 EXECUTIVO PARQUE SÃO JORGE - Executivo Parque São Jorge/ Schedule
- 1120 EXECUTIVO CANASVIEIRAS - Executivo Canasvieiras/ Schedule
- 1127 EXECUTIVO GAIVOTAS - Executivo Gaivotas/ Schedule
- 4131 EXECUTIVO AEROPORTO - Executivo Aeroporto/ Schedule
- 1126 EXECUTIVO CACHOEIRA - Executivo Cachoeira/ Schedule