XG883A Line
Vigo - A Guarda por Porriño, Tui e Tomiño
Lugove XG883A Bus Route Schedule and Stops (Updated)
The XG883A bus (Porriño - Tui - Taborda - Tomiño - A Guarda) has 58 stops departing from H. A. Cunqueiro (Consultas) and ending at Rosalía de Castro, 11 (A Guarda).
Choose any of the XG883A bus stops below to find updated real-time schedules and to see their route map.
Direction: Porriño - Tui - Taborda - Tomiño - A Guarda (58 stops)
H. A. Cunqueiro (Consultas)
H. A. Cunqueiro (Urgencias) // A Mezquita
H. A. Cunqueiro (Pta Principal) / A Bouza
Estación Intermodal (Vigo)
Gregorio Espino, 42 // O Pousadouro
Avda. Madrid, 28 // O San Roque de Abaixo
Avda. Madrid (Cruce Raviso) // O Raviso
Estrada Madrid, 8 (Seminario) // A Raposeira
Hospital do Meixoeiro // O Areeiro
Institutos do Meixoeiro (Vigo)
A Portela de Puxeiros (Mos)
Avenida de Galicia (O Porriño)
Domingo Bueno - Esq. Fernández Areal (O Porriño)
Domingo Bueno, 92 (O Porriño)
A Guía (O Porriño)
A Casilla - Subestación Eléctrica (O Porriño)
Empalme de Casal (O Porriño)
O Casal - Cerquido (O Porriño)
O Cerquido (Salceda de Caselas)
O Antoxo (Salceda de Caselas)
A Gándara-Guillarei (Tui)
Casa de Oficios Guillarei (Tui)
A Pontenova (Tui)
A Virxe do Camiño (Tui)
Rebordáns - Barros (Tui)
Montiño (Tui)
Avenida Concordia, 45 (Tui)
Ourense, Fronte 6 (Tui)
Avenida Portugal, 34 (Tui)
Polígono de Areas (Tui)
O Atrio - Areas (Tui)
A Toxeira (Tui)
Serradoiro de Sobrada (Tomiño)
A Portela (Tomiño)
O Bouzón (Tomiño)
Igrexa de Taborda (Tomiño)
A Tomada - Taborda (Tomiño)
A Chan - Taborda (Tomiño)
Cruce Hospital (Tomiño)
O Barro (Tomiño)
A Pedra (Tomiño)
Avenida Baixo Miño - Rotonda (Tomiño)
Santa Rosa (Tomiño)
Vilar de Matos (Tomiño)
A Granxola - Estás (Tomiño)
O Lago - Figueiró (Tomiño)
Avenida Brasil (Tomiño)
Tollo-Goián (Tomiño)
Ladaíñas (O Rosal)
Igrexa de San Xoán de Tabagón (O Rosal)
A Rúa de Abaixo (O Rosal)
O Cruceiro - Tabagón (O Rosal)
A Ponte do Tamuxe (O Rosal)
Pías (O Rosal)
A Gándara - Salcidos (A Guarda)
Igrexa de Salcidos (A Guarda)
Coruto (A Guarda)
Rosalía de Castro, 11 (A Guarda)
What time does the XG883A bus start operating?
Services on the XG883A bus start at 09:15 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
What time does the XG883A bus stop working?
Services on the XG883A bus stop at 12:30 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
What time does the XG883A bus arrive?
When does the Vigo - A Guarda por Porriño, Tui e Tomiño bus line come? Check Live Arrival Times for live arrival times and to see the full schedule for the Vigo - A Guarda por Porriño, Tui e Tomiño bus line that is closest to your location.
Is there a XG883A bus stop near me?
Click here to view the nearest XG883A bus stop.
Lugove Bus Service Alerts
See all updates on XG883A (from H. A. Cunqueiro (Consultas)), including real-time status info, bus delays, changes of routes, changes of stops locations, and any other service changes. Get a real-time map view of XG883A (Porriño - Tui - Taborda - Tomiño - A Guarda) and track the bus as it moves on the map. Download the app for all Lugove info now.
XG883A line bus fare
Lugove XG883A (Porriño - Tui - Taborda - Tomiño - A Guarda) prices may change based on several factors. For more information about Lugove tickets costs please check the Moovit app or Lugove’s official website.
XG883A (Lugove)
The first stop of the XG883A bus route is H. A. Cunqueiro (Consultas) and the last stop is Rosalía de Castro, 11 (A Guarda). XG883A (Porriño - Tui - Taborda - Tomiño - A Guarda) is operational during weekdays.
Additional information: XG883A has 58 stops and the total trip duration for this route is approximately 98 minutes.
On the go? See why over 1.5 million users trust Moovit as the best public transit app. Moovit gives you Lugove suggested routes, real-time bus tracker, live directions, line route maps in Vigo, and helps to find the closest XG883A bus stops near you. No internet available? Download an offline PDF map and bus schedule for the XG883A bus to take on your trip.
Line XG883A Real Time bus Tracker
Track line XG883A (Porriño - Tui - Taborda - Tomiño - A Guarda) on a live map in real time and follow its location as it moves between stations. Use Moovit as a line XG883A bus tracker or a live Lugove bus tracker app and never miss your bus.
Use the app as a trip planner for Lugove or a trip planner for bus, train, ferry, cable car or funicular to plan your route around Vigo. The trip planner shows updated data for Lugove and any bus, including line XG883A, in Vigo
XG883A - Alternative Directions
- XG883A - Porriño - Tui - Taborda - Tomiño - Eiras - A Guarda / Schedule
- XG883A - Tui - Porriño - G.Espino - H. Álvaro Cunqueiro / Schedule
- XG883A - Porriño - Tui - Tomiño - A Guarda / Schedule
- XG883A - Tui - Porriño - Vigo E.I. / Schedule
- XG883A - Porriño - Tui - Tomiño - A Guarda - Camposancos / Schedule
- XG883A - Porriño - Tui - Tomiño - O Rosal - A Guarda / Schedule
- XG883A - Porriño - Tui - Tomiño - Eiras - A Guarda / Schedule
Lugove Lines in Vigo
- MERCADO - Servizos Días de Feira/ Schedule
- PRAIA - Servizo a Praia América/ Schedule
- XG88366 - Servizo escolar compartido de Oia-Loureza/ Schedule
- XG883TB - SERVIZO TES+BUS A Demanda/ Schedule
- 1C - A Guarda/O Rosal - H. Álv. Cunqueiro/Vigo E.I./ Schedule
- XG88366 - A Guarda - Oia - Loureza/ Schedule
- 2D - Vigo - Baiona por Camos/ Schedule
- M9 - Pinzás - Tomiño/ Schedule
- ROSAL - Circular O Rosal/ Schedule
- 12 - A Guarda - Camposancos/ Schedule
- XG667 - Servizo escolar compartido de Covelo e Mondariz/ Schedule
- 10 - Loureza - IES A Sangriña/ Schedule
- 6 - Circular Val Miñor/ Schedule
- 2C - Vigo - Nigrán por Panxón - Baiona/ Schedule
- 3E - Gondomar/A Ramallosa - Vigo por Meixoeiro/ Schedule
- 5 - Circular da Guarda/ Schedule
- XG883G - Vigo - Gondomar por Nigrán/Panxón/ Schedule
- N2 - Nocturno Baiona - Vigo (R. Areal) por Panxón/ Schedule
- 1D - A Guarda/Eirás - Hopital Álvaro Cunqueiro/Vigo E.I./ Schedule
- 2A - Vigo - Baiona por Nigrán - A Guarda/ Schedule