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KMB - Schedules, Routes and Stops


KMB (九巴), also known as KMB, is a public transportation provider in Hong Kong that operates bus routes since 1933.

The KMB has 567 bus routes in Hong Kong with 2677 bus stops.

Their bus routes cover an area from the 美樂花園 Melody Garden stop to the 黃石碼頭 Wong Shek Pier stop and from the 打鼓嶺(松園下) Ta Kwu Ling (Tsung Yuen Ha) stop to the 富欣花園 Harmony Garden stop.

KMB line schedules (timetables, itineraries, service hours), and departure and arrival times to stations are updated in the app in real time.

Pick a line to view updated schedules and stops

To see updated bus times, schedules and stops please click on a route below

KMB coverage area map

KMB coverage area map
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KMB Schedule Updates

For KMB service alerts, please check the Moovit website for real-time info on bus status, bus delays, changes of bus routes, changes of stops and any service changes.

KMB (九巴), also known as KMB, is a public transportation provider in Hong Kong that operates bus routes since 1933.

The KMB has 567 bus routes in Hong Kong with 2677 bus stops.

Their bus routes cover an area from the 美樂花園 Melody Garden stop to the 黃石碼頭 Wong Shek Pier stop and from the 打鼓嶺(松園下) Ta Kwu Ling (Tsung Yuen Ha) stop to the 富欣花園 Harmony Garden stop.

KMB line schedules (timetables, itineraries, service hours), and departure and arrival times to stations are updated in the app in real time.

Facts about KMB

The KMB has bus routes operating across Hong Kong including: 葵興 Kwai Tsing, 觀塘 Kwun Tong, 沙田 Sha Tin, 西貢 Sai Kung, 油尖旺 Yau Tsim Mong, 深水埗 Sham Shui Po, 元朗 Yuen Long, 九龍 Kowloon City, 北區 North, 大埔 Tai Po.

The longest line from the KMB is: 673A. This bus route starts from 上水總站 Sheung Shui B/T (北區 North) and ends at 中環(林士街) Central (Rumsey Street) (中西區 Central And Western). It covers over 39 km and has 30 stops.

The shortest line is: 285A. This bus line begins from 火炭站 Fo Tan Station (沙田 Sha Tin) and finishes at 火炭駿洋邨 Fo Tan Chun Yeung Estate. It runs through 1 km with 4 stops.

According to Moovit Insights, the most popular lines for KMB are 35A, 53, 26, 282, 14.

KMB - bus fare information

Costs and prices of different ticket types may change, based on several factors. Please check the Moovit app to view bus fares of individual lines. For more information on ride fares and for buying bus tickets online please visit KMB's official site.

KMB contact information

The headquarter offices of the KMB are located in: Lai Chi Kok

Company Owner: Transport International

KMB schedule

Looking for a specific KMB bus schedule? All KMB lines and schedules in Hong Kong can be found in the Moovit App. Moovit gives you directions for KMB routes and provides helpful step-by-step navigation.

Official Real-Time arrivals. Schedules and Maps for 九巴 KMB