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RODONORTE - Schedules, Routes and Stops


RODONORTE is a public transportation provider in Porto, Braga and Vila Real which operates bus routes.

The RODONORTE has 75 bus routes in Porto, Braga and Vila Real with 529 bus stops.

Their bus routes cover an area from the North (Moimenta e Montouto) with a stop at Moimenta to the South (Urros e Peredo dos Castelhanos) with a stop at Urros (Mcv).Their most western stop is Vila Real (Vila Real) and the most eastern stop is Paradela (Miranda) (Ifanes e Paradela).

RODONORTE line schedules (timetables, itineraries, service hours), and departure and arrival times to stations are updated in the app in real time.

Pick a line to view updated schedules and stops

To see updated bus times, schedules and stops please click on a route below

RODONORTE coverage area map

RODONORTE coverage area map
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RODONORTE Schedule Updates

For RODONORTE service alerts, please check the Moovit website for real-time info on bus status, bus delays, changes of bus routes, changes of stops and any service changes.

RODONORTE is a public transportation provider in Porto, Braga and Vila Real which operates bus routes.

The RODONORTE has 75 bus routes in Porto, Braga and Vila Real with 529 bus stops.

Their bus routes cover an area from the North (Moimenta e Montouto) with a stop at Moimenta to the South (Urros e Peredo dos Castelhanos) with a stop at Urros (Mcv).Their most western stop is Vila Real (Vila Real) and the most eastern stop is Paradela (Miranda) (Ifanes e Paradela).

RODONORTE line schedules (timetables, itineraries, service hours), and departure and arrival times to stations are updated in the app in real time.

Facts about RODONORTE

The RODONORTE has bus routes operating across Porto, Braga and Vila Real including: Moimenta e Montouto, Grijó, Miranda Do Douro, Mogadouro, Parada e Faílde, Vila de Ala, Lavandeira, Adeganha e Cardanha, Sé, Benlhevai.

The longest line from the RODONORTE is: C-5004. This bus route starts from Braganca (Sé, Santa Maria e Meixedo) and ends at Freixo Espada Cinta (Freixo de Espada À Cinta e Mazouco). It covers over 119 km and has 39 stops.

The shortest line is: C-6001. This bus line begins from Vila Flor (Vila Flor e Nabo) and finishes at Nabo (Vila Flor e Nabo). It runs through 5 km with 4 stops.

RODONORTE - bus fare information

Costs and prices of different ticket types may change, based on several factors. Please check the Moovit app to view bus fares of individual lines. For more information on ride fares and for buying bus tickets online please visit RODONORTE's official site.

RODONORTE contact information

RODONORTE schedule

Looking for a specific RODONORTE bus schedule? All RODONORTE lines and schedules in Porto, Braga and Vila Real can be found in the Moovit App. Moovit gives you directions for RODONORTE routes and provides helpful step-by-step navigation.

Official Real-Time arrivals. Schedules and Maps for RODONORTE